Museums and Galleries

AttractionsArt & Culture Attractions

Museums and Galleries

77 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 1 of 3.

Treasures in the Lost Gypsy bus

South IslandSouthland

Random Goodness

North IslandTaranaki

North IslandWaikato

Over 100 classic cars, but not just cars...

External of Carter Observatory

North IslandWellington Region

Be inspired by our southern skies in our state of the art planetarium and multi-media galleries, taking a uniquely New Zealand perspective of...

Explore the interesting art, jewellery and yummy cafes in this fabulous french quarter!!

North IslandNorthland

Te Papa

North IslandWellington Region

Museum of New Zealand

Te Papa Tongarewa

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is the national museum and art gallery of New Zealand, commonly known as Te Papa which translates...

North IslandTaranaki

One of a kind museum

South IslandNelson Region

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Camping NZ App

All the great camping sites on your iPhone™, iPad™ or Android™ phone or tablet. Avoid camping penalties using this council approved app. Featuring offline maps.

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South IslandQueenstown Region

South IslandCanterbury

South IslandCoastal Otago

Air Force Museum of New Zealand

Discover one of the world's premier military aviation collections at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand; from engines, medals and aircraft to...

Wicked art for free!

Free, primo, done!

North IslandAuckland Region

North IslandNorthland

The Kauri Museum is located approximately 90 minutes drive north of Auckland, in the rural backdrop of Matakohe. With truly stunning collections...

North IslandWaikato

South IslandSouthland

North IslandCoromandel

South IslandCanterbury

Canterbury Museum



North IslandWellington Region

The place where it all happened..... check out props, masks and other crazy cool stuff created by the Weta Crew for all the LOTR films. Talent.

150 immaculate cars from more than 100 years of motoring