Museums and Galleries

AttractionsArt & Culture Attractions

Museums and Galleries

77 items with the highest ranking score first, showing page 3 of 3.

“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves”

North IslandAuckland Region

South IslandMarlborough

North IslandBay of Plenty

South IslandCanterbury

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South IslandWest Coast

A classic old timer

North IslandAuckland Region

North IslandAuckland Region

Weta Workshop


Dive into our immersive world at Auckland’s SkyCity and get hands-on with movie magic like never before. This is your all-access pass to a world...

North IslandTaranaki


the e-sensual nut

South IslandSouthland

Following a series of disastrous and suspicious fires in the 1930′s, the Art Deco style was introduced to Ranfurly to replace many of the towns...

North IslandNorthland

Celebrating painter, architect, ecologist and visionary Friedensreich Hundertwasser and contemporary Māori artists. Experience architecture in...

Changing exhibitions of regional history, arts, and a historical cottage and ship to explore.