(Te tōpuni ki te Tāhuna o Pouawa)

Pouawa Beach

Freedom Camping


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Pouawa Beach


Pouawa Beach

Camping at Pouawa Beach is from 23 October - 30 April.

You must have a permit before you set up camp. Apply here online

There's no charge for a permit. You must comply with all the conditions on the permit and in the bylaw.

You need to manage your own rubbish.

Camping is allowed in tents and vehicles - chemical toilets are required.

About Pouawa Beach
Pouawa is located approximately 18km from Gisborne city. There's good swimming, fishing and diving.

For your safety no tents or caravans are allowed within 10m of the road edge. No vehicles are to park within 5m of the road edge. The ground is marked out with the 5 and 10 metre lines.

Rubbish and recycling
We encourage zero waste.

You need to manage your own rubbish. No bags are issued with permits so you need to take your own.

A recycling station is available at Pouawa Beach. Please keep the area tidy when sorting your recycling, glass and rubbish. The station will be emptied Mondays.

We also encourage you to take your waste home with you or to the nearest transfer station.

Do not put rubbish bags on the roadside.


Feature Value Info


Gisborne District Council

Council organisation


North IslandTairāwhiti GisborneGisborne


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping
  • Free


To Coordinates




Take a peak



    • I love freedom camping!
    • A lovely spot to camp by the sea.
    • Small fee to cover rubbish collection.
    • At wonderful spot.
    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 0
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  • 3.5/5

    Good spot to stay, for us overnight, for others a couple of weeks.

    Right on the beach is cool, free. No toilet, found a spot behind a dune which got rid of the traffic noise.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2021

    iBert's avatar
  • 4.5/5

    I love freedom camping!

    Go get a permit from places mentioned in other comments. We got ours from the Gisborne District Council. Paid $24 for 7 days which was reasonable. Very packed and hard to find a spot in peak season, but beautiful beach. You must have your own chemical toilet. Could not get reception on my mobile there, but great place to camp.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in May 2017

  • 3.5/5

    At wonderful spot.

    The first time we have freedom camped, so I did feel nervousness over night re safety, but had no issue. Beach and rock pools meters away...

    Seem silly that the information on the signs there is not on the information on Rankers....so here it is "what you need to camp here... A valid permit displayed on your vehicle, own chemical toilet, your own water, gas cooker."

    Camping permits available from Gisborne council or isites, in Gisborne, Wairoa, Opotiki, Whakatane, Uawa Foodmarket Tolaga Bay.

    I wish I had read this info before getting there.....:)

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in April 2014

  • 3.5/5

    Great beach, need permit which can be obtained from several locations (eg Gisborne iSite).

    Small area of land between main road and beach. In the peak season it is cramped and so you may end up next to the road ......we moved on but outside of peak season, get a site furthest away from road (eg right by the beach), where there are some good sites

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in December 2013

    GN100's avatar
  • 4.0/5

    Small fee to cover rubbish collection.

    Amazing beaches.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in February 2011

  • 4.0/5

    A lovely spot to camp by the sea.

    Safe bathing in the rock pools when the tide was out. For a small fee a permit is issued to camp along this coastline that covers rubbish collect etc. A great scheme that should be considered by other local authorities around the country.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in February 2010

    Graeme's avatar