Arthur's Pass: Casey Saddle

Binser Saddle route


The Cook Strait Ferry

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Arthur's Pass: Casey Saddle

Time: 2 days


Andrews Shelter to Casey Hut

Time: 7 - 8 hr

The easy open tussock flats on Hallelujah Flat and Casey Saddle are linked to Andrews Shelter and Casey Hut by well-marked forest tracks.
If you prefer a more exciting route, you can follow Andrews streambed, as long as the stream is low. The gorge of Casey Stream is also fairly straight forward when the stream is low, although it is a somewhat more strenuous route than the Andrews. Both stream routes may contain flood debris.
Andrews Track

Just upstream of the bridge near Andrews Shelter, a marked track begins on the true left and climbs steeply through open scrub to the beech forests above. It continues to climb but then meanders across regular side creeks, while generally keeping much to the same contour. Eventually it rejoins Andrews Stream at Hallelujah Flat (about 2 hr 30 min from the shelter).

From the start of Hallelujah Flat, follow the grassy flats over Casey Saddle. Old sections of the track in the forest on the eastern bank are now obstructed by wind-throw, and it is far better to stick to the open country. The saddle itself is a mixture of tussock and low scrubs, dominated by sprawling bog pine Halocarpus bidwillii and the lighter-coloured Hebe odora.

Parties travelling in the opposite direction should look for the track leaving Hallelujah Flat a little below the side-creek on the true left. This gives a view right up the creekbed to the scree and ridge-crest beyond, and is about 10 minutes downstream from the last clear view back up Hallelujah Flat to Casey Saddle. For the first 10 minutes the track keeps within a few metres of the stream bank; then it climbs into the beech forest.
Andrews streambed

When the stream is low, the streambed can be followed. Marked sections of track cut across small terraces on the many corners; you will cross the stream often. Mountain toatoa, koromiko, Olearia avicenniaefolia / tree daisy, and bush lawyer/tārarāmoa are common, with mountain beech/tawhairauriki along the banks.

About an hour upstream the stream forms a gorge (may contain flood debris). Towards the top end, one deep pool is easily negotiated by scrambling over the low rocky bluffs. After this, it’s easy tussock flats, best walked on the true right.

Where the forested banks draw together again the forest track is close to the river (on the true left). Where the track emerges, follow the flats to Casey Saddle as described above.
Casey Track

Beyond the saddle, keep to the terrace immediately above Surprise Stream. After a few minutes, the reasonably well-worn track crossing the saddle drops into the streambed below a small swamp. The forest track to Casey Hut begins a few minutes below Trinity Stream–Surprise Stream –Pampas Stream confluence. The track marker is tucked under the forest canopy on the true right, just past a bit of rough track through scrub on that side.

About 50 metres downstream from the marker on the opposite side, a steep eroded gravel bank drops into the stream. If you get as far as this almost treeless bank, then you have overshot the track. From the stream the track climbs a little, sidles then descends down a ridge to emerge from the bush on a large grass flat near Casey Stream.

Casey Hut (16 bunks) stands back from the stream at the bush edge, midway down the flat. The hut has a radio monitored by Arthur's Pass Visitor Centre during office hours. Time from Casey Saddle: about 2 hours.
Casey Stream

Following Casey Stream is a little more difficult than following Andrews Stream. The last section of Surprise Stream above the junction is a gorge and requires one short, steep detour on the true left.

Casey Stream is a bit more open to begin with, but soon becomes tighter as it bounces from one rock bluff to another. Wading and rock scrambling are often necessary. When the stream is low this route is recommended for parties with time, energy and the urge for a somewhat more pioneering route than the straight forward forest track.
Casey Stream to Pete Stream (Poulter River)

Time: 4 - 5 hr

From Casey Hut, pick up the track just upstream of the hut on the bush edge. Climb up onto the forested terrace and follow the track south through magnificent stands of red beech. The track soon reaches a large clearing and joins an old vehicle track in the Poulter valley. Follow this track to Pete Stream. The going is mostly through open tussock grassland with matagouri, mānuka and small-leaved coprosma scrub.

If you lose the track, finding it again is not difficult. Fine open vistas are soon seen from the broad bed of the Poulter. Upriver to the north is Mt Morrison on Snow Cup Range. Across the river on the south-western flanks of Poulter Range, hundreds of hectares of beech forest lie ravaged from a single storm late in 1981 which flattened almost every standing tree on these exposed hillsides.

The track passes down a delightful broad grassy avenue between forest margins, following the line of an ancient stream. The track becomes vague in the gravel bed of a side creek, but resumes clearly enough on the grassy expanse of Rabbit Flat.

Beyond Rabbit Flat there are views down river to the prominent Peveril Peak (opposite Pete Stream and the track over Binser Saddle). Across the river from Aeroplane Flat the very obvious slip at the head of Cleland Stream is a legacy of an earthquake that in 1929 split Falling Mountain at the head of the Edwards valley.

A small climb leads to the crossing of Mt Brown Creek, opposite the East Branch of the Poulter. Below the East Branch (and again both sides of Pete Stream) steps of river terraces bear graphic testimony to a landscape that has continued to change since Pleistocene-age glaciers withdrew from this part of the valley. The highest terraces are the remains of the old post-glacial valley floor. With subsequent uplift, the river and side streams have cut down into the outwash gravels, each new course being lower and narrower than the one before.

Midway between Mt Brown Creek and Pete Stream, the track climbs easily over a broad old alluvial fan and returns to the lower terraces. The poplars between the track and the hillside mark the site of the old Minchin homestead. E.C. Minchin—after whom Lake Minchin was named—began runholding here in 1857 and remained until 1870. In 1860 ownership of the run passed to Major Thomas Woolaston White, who built a new homestead near Lake Letitia on what became Mt White Station.

Time taken from Casey Stream: 4 to 5 hours.
Over the Binser Saddle
Time: 3 hr 30 min

From the ford at Pete Stream, climb the terraces on the true right of that stream towards a marker on the terrace rim. It is easy to miss the turn-off to Binser Saddle, so be vigilant when nearing Pete Stream. Follow the outer lip of the highest terrace until a track winding through the low mānuka scrub becomes obvious. The track soon enters the forest, still keeping close to the edge of this terrace. It takes a fairly direct line on to Binser Saddle, beginning at an easy gradient but getting steeper further on. The forest is open mountain beech and for the most part the track is easy to follow.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandCanterburySpringfield


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