Ōtepatotu Scenic Reserve track

Banks Peninsula


Ōtepatotu Scenic Reserve track

Time: 1 hr return

From Christchurch follow the Akaroa Highway to Hilltop, then turn left. Ōtepātotu is located along the Summit Road midway between Okains and Le Bons Bays.

A loop track starts and finishes at the picnic area.

Walk along the track to a lookout point on the bluffs, with panoramic views across the harbour and surrounding landscape.

From the lookout the track climbs through a remnant of mountain tōtara forest to reach the summit of Lavericks Peak (755 metres). Nearing the summit, trees are hung with weeping moss, creating a “goblin forest” atmosphere, appropriate to the loose translation of the name Ōtepātotu, “place of the fairies.”

The return track travels down through a native fuchsia/kōtukutuku gully forest on the southern side.

Picnic tables and toilets are available.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandCanterburyBanks Peninsula


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
