Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve walk

Banks Peninsula


Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve walk

Time: 10 min

From Christchurch travel along the Akaroa Highway about 40 km, turn left at Kaituna Valley Road and travel about 5 km.

The walk, starting and finishing at the picnic area, winds through the bush of the reserve and surrounding tussock grassland.

Kaituna Valley Scenic Reserve is about 6 hectares of bush remnant with a few large mataī and kahikatea. The outstanding feature is the healthy even-aged stand of New Zealand Ash/tītoki. One of the largest stands left in Canterbury, it is known for the showy display of brilliant scarlet and black fruits. Māori steamed these and squeezed oil from them for medicine and perfume.

Picnic tables and toilets are available.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandCanterburyBanks Peninsula


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
