1 Rankers Review
1 Scenic Attractions
3 Hanmer Springs
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South Island ▷ Canterbury ▷ Hanmer Springs
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Canterbury ▷ Hanmer Springs
Molesworth Station
Canterbury ▷ Christchurch
Christchurch Botanic Gardens
Timber Yard Point Lakeside Domain Camping Area
Canterbury ▷ Arthur's Pass
Arthur's Pass National Park
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Kaiapoi isite Visitor Information Centre
No company, but $25 toll for vehicles, $12 for bikes.Drive 120km along through New Zealand's biggest farm. 4 x 4 drive only. Beautiful scenery.
No company, but $25 toll for vehicles, $12 for bikes.
Drive 120km along through New Zealand's biggest farm. 4 x 4 drive only. Beautiful scenery.
Reviewed almost 10 years ago and experienced in January 2015
Brynn Ostvik