Maude Track to Mangakotukutuku Falls

Pouakai Range, Egmont National Park


Maude Track to Mangakotukutuku Falls

Time: 3 return

Getting there

Follow Kent Road from State Highway 3 south of New Plymouth. Turn right on to Maude Road and follow it to the end. Limited car parking is available.

From the road end the track crosses farmland to the boundary of Egmont National Park. From here it climbs a spur on the Pouakai Range, arriving finally at the Mangakotukutuku Falls. A Maori oven can be found just below the junction of the Falls track on the true left side. Care must be taken not to disturb this archaeological feature.

When crossing farmland please respect private property, leave gates as you find them and stay on the route.


Feature Value Info


DOC Taranaki

Central government organisation


North IslandTaranakiNew Plymouth


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
