Tutukaka Head

2 Rankers Reviews

1 Walking

4 Tutukaka


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Tutukaka Head

Time: 1 hr Distance: 2 km

Access to the reserve at the north head of Tutukaka Harbour is via a right of way, which is sign posted off Matapouri Road 400 m past the Tutukaka Hotel. This road is a private access marked by a ‘Private Road’ sign. The public only have right of passage – please respect other people’s privacy.

Please drive carefully. A narrow bit on this road is clearly marked. Limited parking is available at a car park at the entrance of the reserve.

Three tracks lead from the car park:

* The main track to the Tutukaka lighthouse - 35 minutes, described below
* A short track to the north side of the headland to the beach – 300 m / 5-7 minutes
* A short track to the south side of the headland (Tutukaka Harbour) – 200 m / 5 minutes

The track to the Tutukaka lighthouse runs along the top of a headland, through pohutukawa planted in recent years by the community. Stairs lead you down onto the rocks. Follow the old lighthouse power-poles to where the track recommences on Kukutauwhao Island (maintained by the Whangarei District Council).

Kukutauwhao is only an island at high tide because of a deep gut, which fills with water. Crossing this is difficult around high tide or in rough conditions. On Kukutauwhao Island the track runs along the left hand side of the headland providing great vies of the surrounding northward coastline. The track then deviates into the middle of the headland and travels up through bush consisting mainly of cabbage trees, flax and manuka. After a final short climb, the track finishes at the Tutukaka lighthouse on the end of the headland with steep cliffs, where outstanding views reward your efforts.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandTutukaka


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free


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  • 5.0/5

    A one hour track, amazing sights of the sea, a lot of stairs to climb but worth it!

    Reviewed about 9 years ago

  • 4.0/5

    This is a wonderful walk along a headland, dropping down to a beach, and then climbing to the lighthouse with breathtaking views.

    Total time maybe 1 1/2 hours 2km each way.

    Access is preferably from the Marina car park, by the footpath starting opposite the Sports Fishing Club, which can be slippery in wet weather, or by Landowners Road, some 200m beyond the Oceans Hotel on the road to Matapouri. THIS IS A PRIVATE ROAD, please drive very carefully, access is only by permission of the house owners. There is a small car park at the end, but this is prone to vandalism.

    From this car park a path leads right down to a beach, BUT PLEASE KEEP TO THE LEFT HALF, the rest is privately owned. The lighthouse path is straight ahead following the ridge. There is a left fork leading to an excellent vantage point, and straight on leads down steps to the double beach. This is crossable near low tide dry, or wet at any time. The final climb to the lighthouse follows the power poles.

    Reviewed almost 15 years ago

    cpochin's avatar