Ngaiotonga – Twin Bole Track


Ngaiotonga – Twin Bole Track

Time: 5 min Distance: 200 - 300 m

Ngaiotonga Forest features stunning native bush and majestic Kauri trees. This short, easy walk leads to a large Kauri tree with twin trunks standing amidst a mixed kauri / podocarp forest.

The twin bole kauri is an interesting natural phenomenon however, the rotting trunks of other nearby trees aren’t. These ugly scars are as a result of the damage inflicted by workers bleeding the trees for gum. The natural healing process once interfered with has lead to this damage and ultimately, the early death of the trees. This destructive process was outlawed many years before the gum was no longer sought for profit.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandRussell


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
