Motukawanui Island Track


Motukawanui Island Track

Time: 1 hr 50 min Distance: 3.5 km

Getting there

The Cavalli Islands are located off Northland’s east Coast about 3 km northeast of Matauri Bay. Motukawanui can be accessed by boat. In good weather, you can also reach the island by kayak. The island track can be accessed from either Wai-iti Bay, Papatara Bay or at the northern end of the Island.

From Wai-Iti Bay, the track rises to the island main ridge, and then takes you to the trig on the highpoint. The track follows the ridge tops, from where you can enjoy outstanding views of Mahinepua Peninsula, Matauri Bay and other forested islands of the Cavalli group.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandBay of Islands


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
