Kia ora, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Pacific Horizon Motorhomes.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Pacific Horizon Motorhomes

Valid Reviews

283 Valid Reviews

The Pacific Horizon Motorhomes experience has a total of 293 reviews. There are 283 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 10 invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 283 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 99
9/10 73
8/10 56
7/10 23
6/10 15
5/10 3
4/10 8
3/10 2
2/10 4
1/10 0

85.05% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Pacific Horizon Motorhomes valid reviews is 85.05% and is based on 283 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

143 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 283 valid reviews, the experience has 143 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 143 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 12
9/10 34
8/10 48
7/10 23
6/10 15
5/10 2
4/10 7
3/10 0
2/10 2
1/10 0

77.13% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Pacific Horizon Motorhomes face-to-face reviews is 77.13% and is based on 143 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Massimiliano 10/10 51 days 100%
Mary 10/10 112 days 99%
Henry & Georgina Hunt 10/10 143 days 99%
Tonia Lassman 10/10 173 days 98%
Vincent 9/10 265 days 95%
Birk Schaper 10/10 326 days 94%
Tony 10/10 357 days 93%
Shelby Stout 10/10 357 days 93%
Bernd Wallner 10/10 386 days 92%
J&M The Netherlands 9/10 417 days 89%
A. P. 10/10 417 days 90%
Gary and Alison Steele 10/10 417 days 90%
Gil Lima 9/10 417 days 89%
Elke 10/10 448 days 89%
Jennifer Liu 10/10 448 days 89%
Thomas 10/10 478 days 87%
Missy Ida Tapine-Tumu 10/10 509 days 85%
Bernd 9/10 509 days 85%
Georg Vaupel 9/10 601 days 79%
Toni from Alaska 10/10 601 days 80%
BRIGITTE GAGNON 10/10 662 days 75%
Joshua Vu 9/10 662 days 74%
Heather Mortimer 10/10 662 days 75%
Deb Lyon 10/10 692 days 73%
Mike Smith 10/10 723 days 70%
Geoff and Ginny Cunningham 8/10 723 days 69%
Luke, Kadri, Tonu & Leili 9/10 723 days 70%
Mathilde 10/10 813 days 62%
Charles Bouquin 10/10 843 days 60%
Kathy from Oregon 2/10 874 days 26%
cearon 9/10 1027 days 41%
Christine Williams 10/10 1088 days 36%
Dave 9/10 1116 days 33%
Adrian & Carolina Millar 10/10 1178 days 29%
Mike 10/10 1239 days 25%
Clare Thompson 10/10 1239 days 25%
Alexandra 10/10 1269 days 23%
Anneka 10/10 1300 days 21%
Carolina Gartner 10/10 1300 days 21%
Donna Mason 10/10 1696 days 6%
Lydia 9/10 1696 days 6%
Tony Henderson-Newport 9/10 1696 days 6%
Lexi & Rod Kirk 10/10 1696 days 6%
Brooke Lillyston 10/10 1696 days 6%
Ian G 10/10 1726 days 6%
Morris 10/10 1726 days 6%
Stacy Lio 10/10 1726 days 6%
Anonymous (105552) 8/10 1817 days 5%
Keith Diver 9/10 1817 days 5%
Stefan Berger 9/10 1817 days 5%
Peter Leschev 9/10 1846 days 5%
Miles Protter 8/10 1846 days 5%
Martin Borjeskog 10/10 1847 days 5%
Christian 9/10 1847 days 5%
Alexandre Lacroix 9/10 1847 days 5%
Matthew Young 9/10 1847 days 5%
Ben Holmes 10/10 1847 days 5%
N.J. van den Berg 10/10 1847 days 5%
Mike Smith 9/10 1847 days 5%
Ron Meyerink 10/10 1877 days 5%
Gerd Weidenfeld 10/10 1878 days 5%
Geoff and Ginny Cunningham 9/10 1878 days 5%
Des Gilbert 9/10 1909 days 5%
Diane 10/10 1909 days 5%
Kirsch, Luxemburg 10/10 1909 days 5%
Anna Hunt 9/10 1909 days 5%
James and Emma Dickie 10/10 1909 days 5%
Jonatan Zarzif 3/10 1909 days 3%
Trevor Parkin 9/10 1938 days 5%
Edwin Walker 8/10 1970 days 5%
Serena Gray 9/10 1970 days 5%
PJ Caldito 10/10 1970 days 5%
Shane Howe 10/10 2000 days 5%
Jason 10/10 2000 days 5%
Teneille Harwood 10/10 2000 days 5%
Fabulous five 10/10 2031 days 5%
jac 9/10 2031 days 5%
Keith & Kay Finlayson 10/10 2031 days 5%
Jeannie Huang 9/10 2061 days 4%
Joao Madureira 8/10 2061 days 4%
Edith Peita 10/10 2062 days 5%
John Bourke 10/10 2062 days 5%
Maik 10/10 2092 days 4%
Helen 10/10 2092 days 4%
Kevin 10/10 2092 days 4%
Larry Mutu Reriti 10/10 2092 days 4%
Keryn 10/10 2092 days 4%
Greg Croft 10/10 2092 days 4%
Erin 10/10 2123 days 4%
schtahaups 9/10 2123 days 4%
CMe 9/10 2123 days 4%
Martyn 10/10 2123 days 4%
John Flynn 9/10 2152 days 4%
charlie35slr 10/10 2153 days 4%
Ken 2/10 2183 days 2%
Bee 3/10 2184 days 2%
Catherine Johnson 10/10 2211 days 4%
Bk 10/10 2212 days 4%
John I. 10/10 2212 days 4%
Rogie 9/10 2212 days 4%
Krzysztof Jablonski 10/10 2212 days 4%
Berthold Wagner 8/10 2242 days 4%
Eric Arnal Fort 10/10 2242 days 4%
Andy Jamo 10/10 2243 days 4%
Agnès 10/10 2243 days 4%
Thomas Heri 10/10 2243 days 4%
Roger and Karen 10/10 2304 days 4%
renard 9/10 2304 days 4%
Berrie, the Netherlands 10/10 2304 days 4%
Warren S 10/10 2335 days 4%
Ronald Rampersad 10/10 2396 days 4%
Poynter Family 9/10 2396 days 4%
Wilson 10/10 2427 days 4%
Elsa 10/10 2427 days 4%
Pascal 10/10 2457 days 4%
Paul Haslam 10/10 2548 days 4%
Jennifer Makosky 9/10 2548 days 4%
Steve Pickard 10/10 2549 days 4%
Stuart C 10/10 2577 days 4%
Vicki Simmons 10/10 2607 days 3%
Steven Dunlop 9/10 2607 days 3%
Sarah Timms 10/10 2699 days 3%
Emily Hibberd 10/10 2729 days 3%
Sue Lander 9/10 2729 days 3%
Kelvin Armstrong 10/10 2791 days 3%
Tom Williamson 9/10 2821 days 3%
Yves Deyris 10/10 2882 days 3%
Fred RABIER BAGOEE 9/10 2882 days 3%
Sylvie Paquette 9/10 2913 days 3%
Axel and Patricia G 10/10 2918 days 3%
walter isselhard 8/10 3278 days 2%
Darker 9/10 3660 days 1%
L S 10/10 3856 days 1%
aussiewoodies 8/10 4344 days 0%
Sharyn Crosby 10/10 4375 days 0%
Alekandra Ulm 4/10 4447 days 1%
Sue Kieseker 8/10 4450 days 1%
Karin Genyn 8/10 4451 days 1%
Sharon Yates 10/10 4453 days 1%
Moorman 8/10 4456 days 1%
Marian 7/10 4467 days 1%
Behrens 4/10 4474 days 1%
FiStew 10/10 4556 days 1%
Devil_n_Disquiz 10/10 4587 days 1%
gezza2906 4/10 4618 days 1%
Tinne Cis 8/10 4737 days 1%
B Sluis 8/10 4749 days 1%
Bottoms 7/10 4750 days 1%
Seiler 6/10 4750 days 1%
Patrick Grant 8/10 4750 days 1%
Moehl 9/10 4752 days 1%
David Beaumont 8/10 4752 days 1%
Beat Kindler 7/10 4752 days 1%
Danielle 9/10 4752 days 1%
Markus Heummer 10/10 4753 days 1%
Gerrit & Martina 8/10 4754 days 1%
Verne Heath 7/10 4754 days 1%
Dave Simpson 8/10 4754 days 1%
Steve Goodyear 9/10 4761 days 1%
Colin Philpott 8/10 4762 days 1%
Hans Erik Munch 7/10 4767 days 1%
Thomas Behy 5/10 4767 days 1%
Kroepfl 9/10 4768 days 1%
Lesley 5/10 4800 days 1%
Dagmar 10/10 4832 days 1%
deJong 6/10 4835 days 1%
Sillmann 9/10 4837 days 1%
Eri & Udo Seifert 8/10 4840 days 1%
Curry 8/10 4843 days 1%
Willi & Elke Breier 8/10 4848 days 1%
Powerfamily 10/10 4984 days 1%
Jack Potman 10/10 5063 days 1%
Andreas Blessing 7/10 5086 days 1%
Desma Frampton 2/10 5088 days 0%
Maike 8/10 5094 days 1%
Kauzta 7/10 5094 days 1%
Schroeder 6/10 5094 days 1%
J Meindersma 7/10 5095 days 1%
Juergen Wolf 8/10 5096 days 1%
Aimee Pollett 9/10 5096 days 1%
Barbara Link 8/10 5097 days 1%
E Brockbank 6/10 5097 days 1%
Gerstmann 6/10 5100 days 1%
Ekhard Wittkugel 10/10 5102 days 1%
Raith 8/10 5105 days 1%
Omar Candon 8/10 5107 days 1%
Gert Vogelaers 8/10 5109 days 1%
Flueckiger 6/10 5115 days 1%
Marleen Meyers 6/10 5117 days 1%
Frank Schedler 9/10 5117 days 1%
Katie Nicol 7/10 5119 days 1%
Gerd Pagel 2/10 5119 days 0%
mr Schumader 9/10 5120 days 1%
Monja 9/10 5122 days 1%
Teum and Orselien 7/10 5122 days 1%
Marieke and Bert-Jan 9/10 5122 days 1%
Johanna 9/10 5123 days 1%
E M Klap 8/10 5125 days 1%
Bolt 8/10 5125 days 1%
Robert Cox 4/10 5125 days 1%
Nicole 8/10 5125 days 1%
Heike Toepelt 9/10 5126 days 1%
Derek Archibald 4/10 5127 days 1%
Loren van Oordt 9/10 5129 days 1%
Gordon Daniels 7/10 5129 days 1%
Ewald Waldner 9/10 5130 days 1%
Meriel & Paul Best 9/10 5130 days 1%
de Vries 7/10 5132 days 1%
Jochen 9/10 5132 days 1%
Anne 8/10 5134 days 1%
D Saker 9/10 5440 days 1%
Don Keith 9/10 5458 days 1%
Westermann 9/10 5462 days 1%
Pam Know 8/10 5466 days 1%
Main 9/10 5472 days 1%
Mark and Natasha UK 8/10 5473 days 1%
Gunda G 4/10 5479 days 1%
Denecke Thorsten 9/10 5480 days 1%
Lehmann 7/10 5481 days 1%
Walter 6/10 5485 days 1%
Mark 8/10 5490 days 1%
Wilfred Sch 8/10 5492 days 1%
David Valentine 8/10 5493 days 1%
Paul Ritchie 8/10 5494 days 1%
Thea X 7/10 5494 days 1%
Wim Van Gastel 7/10 5497 days 1%
Coby Aalbrecht 6/10 5498 days 1%
nigelst 7/10 5505 days 1%
Wolfgang G 7/10 5505 days 1%
Goewe 9/10 5513 days 1%
Jennifer Templeton 6/10 5516 days 1%
Ralf Genthe 6/10 5516 days 1%
Susi Schoetzler 8/10 5519 days 1%
marcusba 10/10 5542 days 1%
stephenst 4/10 5545 days 1%
weidep 8/10 5545 days 1%
Monika Wenzel 9/10 5569 days 1%
Jean Paul Mesnage 6/10 5571 days 1%
Uerilie Stolareh 8/10 5574 days 1%
Karen Fisher 10/10 5587 days 1%
Tracy & Peter Cassidy 7/10 5600 days 1%
PamB 8/10 5793 days 1%
RubyJ 8/10 5797 days 1%
Frank 9/10 5822 days 1%
HeideS 10/10 5824 days 1%
GrahamM1 9/10 5838 days 1%
ChristineM 8/10 5838 days 1%
FrankFlemming 7/10 5839 days 1%
MrHebbard 9/10 5839 days 1%
Elrik frau 9/10 5839 days 1%
Helle 9/10 5844 days 1%
Trevor 8/10 5848 days 1%
Tim 9/10 5849 days 1%
Annemarie 8/10 5855 days 1%
plumbaum 8/10 5869 days 1%
Bernd 7/10 5869 days 1%
groenewold 7/10 5869 days 1%
Liane 10/10 5873 days 1%
Burkhalter 6/10 5876 days 1%
Keith 9/10 5876 days 1%
Bernd 8/10 5878 days 1%
Rosa 9/10 5878 days 1%
David 8/10 5917 days 1%
Marc 8/10 5922 days 1%
Kaminsky 9/10 5922 days 1%
olland 8/10 5925 days 1%
Terry 9/10 5995 days 1%
Chris 7/10 6182 days 1%
Stuart Bartram 8/10 6188 days 1%
Hoetnagels 8/10 6188 days 1%
Anja Kunert 8/10 6202 days 1%
Kenneth and Mette 8/10 6205 days 1%
Myrtille de Vries 6/10 6209 days 1%
struck 10/10 6294 days 1%
Pat Brewster 9/10 6407 days 1%
Stef 7/10 6515 days 1%
Schranger 10/10 6542 days 1%
Karla 4/10 6564 days 1%
Andy 9/10 6570 days 1%
Tom 8/10 6570 days 1%
Jacobien 8/10 6575 days 1%
Alexandra 5/10 6575 days 1%
Stefan 6/10 6579 days 1%


Several adjustments to the weighted average are added to improve relevancy and credibility. These adjustments apply equally to all experiences that meet the criteria.

Sample Size Adjustment

No Adjustment

A reasonable number of reviews are necessary in order for the average to be credible and for an experience to take a prime position within the ranking tables. As such, experiences with only a few reviews have a moderated score. This does not mean that the experience or the reviews can't be trusted. The Pacific Horizon Motorhomes experience has plenty of reviews and does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

Recent Reviews Adjustment

-2.71% Adjustment

Recent reviews reflect the experience as it currently operates. This means it's important to get fresh reviews. Some experiences discovered they could get a few good reviews and then, resting on their laurels, discourage any further reviews. This adjustment stimulates experiences to be positively involved in the review generating process and discourages them from manipulating the ranking system in this manner.

What constitutes a recent review is based on the how old it is, what type of experience it is applied to and and what time of year it currently is. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, what is considered recent is dynamically adjusted throughout the year.

There may be an adjustment if this experience hasn't received enough reviews within the last 53 days. The Pacific Horizon Motorhomes experience has 1 recent ranking. Adjustments are according to the following table:

Recent Reviews Adjustment
0 -3.00%
1 -2.63%
2 -1.50%
3 -0.38%
4 -0.00%

In addition, an experience's ranking score may be adjusted for each day there is no new ranking. After 1 day the adjustment comes into effect. The maximum number of days that can be adjusted for is 200 days. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, this adjustment is applied dynamically throughout the year.

The Pacific Horizon Motorhomes experience has been adjusted for 4 days. Adjustments are according to the following table.

Days Adjustment
1 -0.02%
2 -0.04%
3 -0.06%
4 -0.08%
5 -0.10%
6 -0.12%
7 -0.14%

Balancing Adjustment

0.68% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Onboarding Rating

This rating is about customer service and camper availability. It measures aspects of the customer journey that are often missing from online ratings. It includes performances based on: pre-booking communication, product availability and responsiveness to customer enquiries.

All metrics come from actual customer interactions.

Details are calculated daily from statistics over several years and merged with the score derived from customer reviews - to then form the final ranking score.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.