
Sunrise Holidays Disclosure

Cymen Crick and Nick Morrison, owners of Rankers, own a part share in Sunrise Holidays. In order to be fully transparent, Rankers has stepped aside from making the final decisions on campervan reviews of contention. This job has now been handed over to a registered auditor (Mark Woods) with decades of experience within the tourism industry. The auditor also checks every Sunrise review.

All details behind every ranking score and the way that the formula has made adjustments, are now publically shared. This ensures full transparency for every operator and travellers alike. See the ‘details’ link next to the ranking score of any campervan company.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the auditing process?

    Rankers is privileged that one of the most experienced and longest serving auditors in NZ - Mark Woods has agreed to audit its reviews. Nick (Ranker's co-owner) has worked with Mark for many years at Whakapapa ski-field and are now directors in Peak Safety (safety management).

    Mark has been working as an auditor within NZ Tourism since the 1980’s. He brings his experience into the auditing process for Rankers Campervan reviews.

    The auditor has full access to all Campervan review information at all times.

    Any suspended reviews are flagged and checked by auditor.

    The Auditor has the final call on all campervan reviews.

  • What is the review checking process and policy?

    All online reviews are linked to an authorised email address.

    Reviewers can’t be anonymous.

    If an operator has an issue, then the review is suspended within 24 hours. Then…

    Rankers collects more information from operator (if required). Our focus is on un-factual information rather than opinion.

    Rankers then contacts the reviewer and requests validation on the issues of fact brought forward by the operator:

    • If the reviewer fails to get back in touch, the review stays suspended
    • If incorrect facts brought up by the operator can’t be validated by the reviewer, the review stays suspended (see note below)
    • If facts are validated by the reviewer, the review goes live again

    Fact vs opinion - amendments:

    • A small inconsistency of fact that isn’t the core reason of issue (eg states a rental for 19 days instead of 20) then the review can be amended.
    • An accumulation of minor incorrect facts means the review stays suspended.
    • An incorrect fact that relates a reasonable part of the reviews’ value, then the review stays suspended.

    The review is then passed through the auditor for final assessment.

    Reviews that include potential criminal reference are suspended.

    Reviews that include slander or bad language - minor reference, can be amended, or if major then the entire review is removed.

    Personal references that are irrelevant to the providing of the service - eg fat, small etc... - Minor reference, can be amended, or if major then the entire review is removed.

    Once a deposit has been paid - a contract is formed and a review can be placed.

    Queries about a review by one company against another company. Goes to the auditor for final assessment.

    Unusual circumstance clause. Goes to the auditor for final assessment.

    Rankers is neither for the traveller or for the operator - the merit of the details are purely based upon the merit of the facts.