South Island ▷ Kaikoura Region ▷ Kaikoura ▷
This was an experience I was really looking forward to and one I wasn't disappointed with.
Everything clicked into place - good weather, a flat calm sea, only three people on the boat and loads of birds. We saw seven species of albatross and had quite exceptional views of all of them. I've been on pelagics in Australia, South Africa and Peru but this was the best yet. I could have stayed out there all day!
South Island ▷ West Coast ▷ Okarito ▷
This was a fantastic experience with exceptional views had of two pairs of Okarito kiwis, one feeding just a few feet away on the path.
As a bird guide myself I could not help but be impressed with Ian's professionalism and also his enthusiasm for his local kiwis. If you have not already experienced this tour, it is an absolute must for anyone with an interest in NZ birds especially as you are almost guaranteed to see a kiwi. My 15 year old son rated it his second best experience in NZ beaten only by seeing the All Blacks beat Australia in Christchurch!