Hansjoerg Ehrmann
North Island ▷ Hawkes Bay ▷ Napier ▷
Best service
North Island ▷ Wellington Region ▷ Wellington ▷
Ferry was book 2 months in advance, but ferry was cancelled without getting info via mobile phone or email.
By chance we could take the earlier ferry.
South Island ▷ Marlborough ▷ Picton / Marlborough Sounds ▷
Day walk from Ship Cove to Endeavour inlet with visit of Motoura Island via ship transfer.
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Hahei ▷
Funny attraction and almost free (fee for spade $5NZD)
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Coromandel Town ▷
North of Coromandel Peninsula Lookout - Walk from Fletcher Bay to Lookout
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Whitianga ▷
Nice chalet and good service
Thanks so much Hansjoerg for your positive comments.
Kind regards, Dawn.
North Island ▷ Auckland Region ▷ Auckland ▷
Basically o.k., but there was a fault in the date of car exchange (north/south island).
Good service: AA-Roadmaps were supplied.
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Coromandel Town ▷
Best accommodation related to the price
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Rotorua ▷
Package: Guided tour and cultural show; Volcanic attraction a fabulous, cultural show is very commercial and touristic (we would not do it once again).
Guide was ok.
South Island ▷ Marlborough ▷ Picton / Marlborough Sounds ▷
Daytrip on Queen Charlotte track: time of return of the boat was 1 hour later than announced.
Service on the boat was perfect.
North Island ▷ Waikato ▷ Waitomo ▷
We did the "3 of the best".
All 3 caves are different and worth to be seen. The walkways in the dark are perfect. Maybe a little more time in the glow worm areas.