Elizabeth Braidotti
North Island ▷ Waikato ▷ Te Kuiti ▷
So cool how these falls are found.
So make sure you pull over at the sign and don't keep follow the path up, it's private property owned by a lovely man, he'll happily point you back. Don't be put off by no obvious track! They have built wooden stations to help you jump two fences, then follow the fence around you'll see another sign then a small track going into the bush, full steam ahead! It's only 30 mins and it amazing the whole way. There's a sneaky bridge, watch out for fallen trees but it's all an adventure. Also keep your eye out we had four beautiful billy goats lead us the way!
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Rotorua ▷
It is soooo amazing, all the thermal activity but the smell sometimes is a bit strong.
Try see past it to the beauty of the area, and how amazing our world is.
North Island ▷ Waikato ▷ Waitomo ▷
Perfect way to end the trip, family owned cave trip, some cool knowledge learnt about a spectacular site to be seen!
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Rotorua ▷
All round fantastic!
We came late and our car had been previously broken into so we just parked in the car park feeling safe, and she was happy to let us pay in the morning. The toilets and showers are AMAZING! and the park is outstanding for children. Hands down the bed paid campsite around town!
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Waiotapu ▷
It was hands down my favourite experience, swimming in the hot and cold creek, rubbing our Rotorua mud all over my body, my skin was so smooth all over!
North Island ▷ Taupo Region ▷ Taupo ▷
Must do!!!
You can park on one side and see the falls straight away then go for the 1 hour, there's some hot springs at the end! Totally worth it! Otherwise try go from the hot springs side and end at Huka Falls for a bit of excitement!
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Hahei ▷
Make sure you plan so you get there at the right tide times to suit your trip!
It was awesome digging a hole haha but I missed out the hot water filling cause it was too high tide. The views are amazing all around though!
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Waiotapu ▷
We didn't spend long here cause of all the warning we got about our car...
But the area is beautiful! First you see an emerald lake on your left, it's worth a little pit stop, then when you get there, there's a beautiful little waterfall but keep going a few metres to the bigger one. So lovely and warm, but I did notice some small red worms throughout the water... Not sure if there okay or not so I jumped out anyways haha. But definitely worth going to!
North Island ▷ Rotorua Region ▷ Tikitere ▷
A not to miss stop off!
It is beautiful the whole way. There's a few different paths to see it from all different views, and make sure you cross the bridge and close the gate behind you to get on a real adventure, just be careful! Insanely beautiful, one of my favourite stop offs.
North Island ▷ Coromandel ▷ Hahei ▷
the drive from Auckland to coromandel is beautifully breathtaking and then you go a short way to the cove, and if you catch it at sunset, it's perfect cause you can camp at the top! Must do!
North Island ▷ Taupo Region ▷ Taupo ▷
Didn't get to fully experience cause we didn't walk up enough about make sure you do cause you can dig a whole and play around in some nice hot water!