John Hensman
South Island ▷ Queenstown Region ▷ Arrowtown ▷
A great option when time is short - approx 90mins, 8 kms.
Always looks different by different times of the day. A nice easy leg stretch.
South Island ▷ Nelson Region ▷ Abel Tasman ▷
Beautiful location at start of Abel Tasman Track.
A bit expensive considering the lack of kitchen facilities. 8 for location, only 6 for amenities.
South Island ▷ Fiordland ▷ Te Anau ▷
Great guides who love their job.
Very knowledgable, good equipment, very informative and friendly. Good value for money.
South Island ▷ Wanaka Region ▷ Wanaka Township ▷
A cheap option $7 per night.
No kitchen or shower but clean toilets. Too many eastern europeans arriving very late trying to cheat honesty system. Heavy drinking and very noisy and inconsiderate of other campground users.
South Island ▷ Queenstown Region ▷ Queenstown Township ▷
A great once in a lifetime experience.
A very thorough safety briefing puts you at ease and your jump partner inspires confidence.
South Island ▷ Queenstown Region ▷ Queenstown Township ▷
A great experience - scary.
But the staff help you through it.
North Island ▷ Auckland Region ▷ Auckland ▷
New company run by very friendly couple.
They remembered me from visit last year and gave me a really good deal. Reliable cars.
South Island ▷ Wanaka Region ▷ Wanaka Township ▷
A nice loop circuit with a stiff climb from both directions - great views from top.
South Island ▷ Nelson Region ▷ Nelson ▷
Nice quiet campground in pleasant surroundings $12 per night + $2 for a shower.
Open air movies on a Saturday night.