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Council organisation
North Island ▷ Taranaki ▷ Hawera
Overnight Camping Site Cost
What is the approximate per-person cost to camp or park your vehicle overnight?
Free Camping
It costs nothing to stay overnight. In general this means that you should not expect any facilities.
Overnight Stay Rules
What are the accommodation rules for overnight stays at this campsite?
Self-contained motorhomes only
Overnight stays are only permitted if your vehicle is certified as being 'self-contained'. The vehicle must display the "Responsible Camper" sticker.
Payment Requirement
Is there a cost for this experience or is it free?
Free access/participation
The experience costs no money to access or take part in.
Maximum Stay Duration
How many consecutive days can you stay overnight at this establishment?
3 nights
You can only stay at this campsite for up to 3 nights in a row.
Maximum Sites Available
How many camping or parking sites are available for staying overnight in?
Up to 5 sites
There are only between one and five camping/parking sites available.
Booking Required
Is it necessary to book a campsite in advance in order to stay overnight?
First Come, First Served
Sites are allocated in a first come, first served basis. Get in early for the best spot.
Vehicle Access
Can vehicles drive in?
Vehicle accessible
This location is accessible in a vehicle.
Taranaki ▷ Hawera
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