Perry Saddle Campsite - Kahurangi National Park

Perry Saddle Campsite

Kahurangi National Park



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Perry Saddle Campsite

This is a walk-in campsite on the Heaphy Track. Situated in the fold of Perry Saddle with high hills either side, it has an alpine feel, along with spectacular views.

This is a walk-in campsite on the Heaphy Track. Situated in the fold of Perry Saddle with high hills either side, it has an alpine feel, along with spectacular views.

This is one of nine Great Walk campsites on the Heaphy Track.

There are spectacular views out to the distant tooth-shaped peaks known as Dragons Teeth and Mt Olympus, and glimpses of the red tussock grasslands that the track crosses.

Take a dip in the deep but cold pool in Gorge Creek near the hut. Listen for great spotted kiwi at night.

Facilities and services
Number of campers - 10
Number of tent sites - 5
All campsites on the Heaphy Track have water from a tap and toilets that are supplied with toilet paper Gouland Downs campsite has a long drop toilet. It also has sinks.

This campsite is beside Perry Saddle Hut. Campers are not permitted to use hut facilities.

Hut rangers move between nearby huts in the summer. As well as checking campsite bookings, they are able to provide information about the track and weather to campers.

DOC Campsite Pricing

Perry Saddle campsite is categorised as a DOC Great Walk Campsite. The following pricing indicates usual pricing. Adults from $5 to $32, children from $0 to $16, infants are free. There is differential pricing for international visitors, as well as seasonal pricing. Visit the website for exact pricing.

DOC Great Walk Campsite

Except for the Milford Track and Paparoa Track, all Great Walks offer camping near huts or in designated areas. There are nearly 60 Great Walk campsites offering basic facilities including toilets, handwashing sinks and a water supply with some being treated and some untreated. Untreated water should be boiled before use to ensure it's safe. Some have picnic tables and cooking shelters. These do not include the indoor facilities provided at Great Walk huts.

Feature Value Value
Unpowered Site Adult Varies per night
Unpowered Site Child Varies per night
Unpowered Site Infant Varies per night

Adults are 18+ years, children are 5-17 years, infants are 0-4 years.


Feature Value Info


DOC Nelson/Tasman

Central government organisation


South IslandNelson RegionGolden Bay


  • Activity__basic_facility_campingBasic Camping


To Coordinates




Take a peak



  • 4.5/5

    If walking the Heaphy track from the Golden Bay end, this campsite is in a great spot after doing most of the climbing on day has 5 sites and a shelter with sinks under which you can cook your

    dinner and sit at a picnic table. I had an incredibly thrilling experience just before arriving at Perry Saddle one time:...I was dawdling behind in our group, it was later in the day, almost dusk and a kiwi came out on the track in front of me...actually it was quite assertive, vocal and seemed a bit stroppy...maybe I was too close to its nest? I'll never forget it....pure magic.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in October 2008