Mandeville-Taylor Park

Overnight Campervan Parking

8 Rankers Reviews

2 Gore


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Mandeville-Taylor Park


Feature Value Info


Southland District Council

Council organisation


South IslandSouthlandGore


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping
  • Free


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    ✓ Lots of grass

    ✓ Has a small pond

    ✓ Easy access

    ✓ Close to Gore

    ✓ Some privacy from trees

    𐄂 Close to the road

    𐄂 No facilities

    • Parking area on grassy area next to main road.
    • This spot shouldn't really be on here.
    • It's not a bad place to stay over night.
    • Very nice place.
    • We think it is a really nice place.
    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 1
    9/10 1
    8/10 3
    7/10 2
    6/10 0
    5/10 0
    4/10 0
    3/10 0
    2/10 0
    1/10 1
  • 4.0/5

    Stopped here for lunch it would be ok for overnight small vans could find a spot off the gravel track otherwise it’s the large grass area by the road

    Reviewed about 1 month ago

  • 5.0/5

    Very nice place.

    Lots of grass, a small pond. Nothing else. Easy access, no facilities at all, but everything is available on Gore.

    Reviewed 3 months ago

    Fabian's avatar
  • 4.0/5

    Nice little grassy spot although it is close to the road.

    Not a lot of traffic tho so wasn’t too bothersome. Some trees offer a little privacy from the road and it’s near a pond. Wasn’t attacked by mozzies. We liked it.

    Reviewed about 2 years ago

  • 3.5/5

    It's not a bad place to stay over night.

    Just off the road but not much traffic going past. No ammenaties but that didn't matter.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in October 2020

  • 3.5/5

    Nice spot although close to the main highway so you hear every car pas by @100kph.

    Not much to do. Only suitable for self contained. Occasional idiots beeping as they drive by. But hey, it's a free site, so enjoy it for what it is and don't expect it to be a Top 10 park. Would I stay again? Yep.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in September 2017

  • 4.0/5

    We think it is a really nice place.

    Yes, it's right next to the street, but it's not very busy. There are even some trees in between and on the other side a beautiful pond. No facilities. Probably space for about 6 - 8 campers. No sandflies.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2016

  • 4.5/5

    Parking area on grassy area next to main road.

    Handy if travelling across country, no facilities but one of the few free sites in the area. Quiet despite being just off the main road and lovely sunrise over a small pond

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in April 2015

  • 0.5/5

    This spot shouldn't really be on here.

    You would only stay if you were in desperate need of an hour of sleep before driving off. The site is a narrow strip of land just off the road with no signage and no facilities/water/dump station. There is no privacy. It may as well be an off road shoulder. You could stay there if desperate but the highway is only a couple of metres away. It is grassed and flat but it is not a good camp-site. Also it is by a small dam /Lake... I suspect mozzies could be an issue.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in December 2014