Ranking Score Explained

G'day, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at info@rankers.co.nz. We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking

Valid Reviews

184 Valid Reviews

The Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking experience has a total of 194 reviews. There are 184 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 10 invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 184 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 132
9/10 29
8/10 15
7/10 3
6/10 2
5/10 0
4/10 0
3/10 1
2/10 0
1/10 2

94.51% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking valid reviews is 94.51% and is based on 184 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

15 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 184 valid reviews, the experience has 15 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 15 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 11
9/10 4
8/10 0
7/10 0
6/10 0
5/10 0
4/10 0
3/10 0
2/10 0
1/10 0

97.33% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking face-to-face reviews is 97.33% and is based on 15 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Charlee d 10/10 48 days 100%
El and Em 10/10 79 days 100%
Caron 9/10 170 days 97%
Valg 7/10 170 days 92%
Jean 10/10 170 days 98%
chen yunchaio 10/10 170 days 98%
Ann 10/10 201 days 98%
Klaudia Fekete 9/10 201 days 97%
Fabienne 10/10 201 days 98%
Katie 8/10 230 days 95%
Gauthier Poirier 1/10 230 days 39%
Jorian 9/10 230 days 96%
Jamie 10/10 261 days 96%
Linda 10/10 261 days 96%
Nina 10/10 322 days 94%
Marie Perret 10/10 353 days 93%
Alex Byrne 10/10 383 days 92%
Thestevieniksshow 9/10 383 days 91%
Giki 7/10 445 days 83%
Laura 10/10 595 days 80%
Edwige 10/10 626 days 78%
Tom 10/10 626 days 78%
Millie Cooper 10/10 657 days 75%
Laura 9/10 779 days 65%
Jamie 1/10 810 days 25%
Instantly Lost 10/10 840 days 60%
James 10/10 932 days 50%
Valg 10/10 960 days 48%
Brandon 10/10 1022 days 42%
Hakuna Matata 9/10 1144 days 31%
Seth 8/10 1175 days 28%
Alan Mcneil 10/10 1266 days 23%
Luke McCallum 10/10 1266 days 23%
Kristina 10/10 1266 days 23%
The Gillies 10/10 1297 days 21%
Alydia 10/10 1325 days 19%
Liv 10/10 1356 days 17%
me 9/10 1478 days 12%
Christopher 10/10 1478 days 12%
Thangs 10/10 1662 days 6%
Maria 10/10 1662 days 6%
Samantha Williamson 9/10 1662 days 6%
Lauren 8/10 1662 days 6%
Meyana Barnhart 10/10 1691 days 6%
Liz Wade 9/10 1722 days 5%
Angela 10/10 1722 days 5%
Almudena 10/10 1722 days 5%
Bek 10/10 1753 days 5%
Robert Killey 7/10 1753 days 5%
Tanja Rombey 10/10 1753 days 5%
Luis Vigil Vidal 10/10 1783 days 5%
Corryn Smith 10/10 1783 days 5%
Forrest Poirier 10/10 1783 days 5%
Javier Williams 10/10 1783 days 5%
Chieco Family 9/10 1814 days 5%
Steve Mac 10/10 1814 days 5%
Ash 10/10 1814 days 5%
Shannon 10/10 1814 days 5%
kay 8/10 1814 days 5%
Marta Jau 9/10 1844 days 5%
MimzieTT 10/10 1844 days 5%
Andrew Hammond 10/10 1844 days 5%
Clément 10/10 1875 days 5%
Kendal 10/10 1875 days 5%
Tegan 10/10 1875 days 5%
Keith & Kay Finlayson 10/10 1875 days 5%
Chai 10/10 1906 days 5%
Kate 10/10 1967 days 4%
Brice 10/10 1997 days 4%
Katy 9/10 1997 days 4%
Suthep 10/10 1997 days 4%
Patrizia Tosetti 10/10 1997 days 4%
Amanda 9/10 2028 days 4%
GavNads 10/10 2028 days 4%
Elin 10/10 2028 days 4%
Wazza Schulz 3/10 2028 days 2%
Liz 10/10 2028 days 4%
Freya 8/10 2056 days 4%
Marcus Andrade 10/10 2087 days 4%
laura hatton 10/10 2087 days 4%
Mitchell 10/10 2118 days 4%
Paula G 8/10 2118 days 4%
Clarkeoz 6/10 2118 days 4%
Sunny 10/10 2148 days 4%
Noreasters 10/10 2148 days 4%
Angela 10/10 2179 days 4%
Eranda 10/10 2179 days 4%
Mischa 10/10 2179 days 4%
Ellen 10/10 2179 days 4%
Becky 10/10 2179 days 4%
TT Tang 9/10 2179 days 4%
Eddy P 10/10 2209 days 4%
Claire Desat 10/10 2209 days 4%
Margaret Kajewski 10/10 2209 days 4%
Jenna webber 10/10 2209 days 4%
Holly Bartholomew 10/10 2209 days 4%
J wells 10/10 2209 days 4%
Rachel 8/10 2271 days 4%
Mike 10/10 2332 days 4%
Robin 10/10 2362 days 4%
Juliane 9/10 2362 days 4%
Florian 10/10 2362 days 4%
Mike78 10/10 2362 days 4%
Christina 10/10 2362 days 4%
Anna 10/10 2393 days 4%
Katherine 8/10 2393 days 4%
Mallory 10/10 2393 days 4%
Tristan & Jolie 10/10 2393 days 4%
Jill Grimwood 10/10 2413 days 2%
Jill McGrath 9/10 2416 days 2%
Niall McGrath 10/10 2423 days 4%
Donna 10/10 2424 days 4%
Nick Cartmell 10/10 2426 days 2%
Robert Webster 10/10 2430 days 4%
Luis Vigil Vidal 9/10 2435 days 2%
Tina I 10/10 2483 days 3%
Maggie Konstanski 9/10 2484 days 3%
Paul and Paula 8/10 2488 days 3%
Joe Trigg 9/10 2531 days 3%
Phil and Mel Rowson 9/10 2532 days 3%
Gary Prescot 10/10 2546 days 3%
Tom Sanft 9/10 2677 days 3%
Cathy Mead 10/10 2750 days 3%
Nikolaj Lambertsen 10/10 2755 days 3%
deborah cooper 8/10 2758 days 3%
Niels Petit 10/10 2775 days 3%
Craig Eagleton 10/10 2791 days 3%
Florence Boinay 10/10 2792 days 3%
Breanna Alexander 10/10 2806 days 3%
Trent O'Keeffe 10/10 2807 days 3%
Peter Brock 10/10 2810 days 3%
sara hoeflaken 10/10 2814 days 3%
Erich Brueggermann 9/10 2815 days 3%
CMG 9/10 2817 days 3%
The Beans 10/10 2876 days 3%
Richard Houghton 10/10 2878 days 3%
Jude Ong 10/10 2878 days 3%
Alf Caruana 8/10 2878 days 3%
Olivia Swisher 10/10 2894 days 1%
Dylan McBride 10/10 2894 days 1%
Claire 10/10 2894 days 1%
Anna Dalby 10/10 2895 days 1%
Theo Mallais 10/10 2899 days 3%
Derek Drost 8/10 2913 days 3%
Kevin Mayer 10/10 2970 days 2%
Rita Ashby 6/10 3031 days 2%
Pamela Hoffman 10/10 3084 days 2%
Justin Caldwell 10/10 3107 days 2%
Dennis Page 10/10 3123 days 2%
Gilles Andrieu 8/10 3133 days 2%
Marina 10/10 3149 days 2%
Antonio BENITEZ 10/10 3183 days 2%
Richard Kirby 10/10 3214 days 2%
Renee Willhuber 10/10 3217 days 2%
Antoine Germaine 9/10 3229 days 2%
Kaseylee Hibbert 10/10 3248 days 2%
Karmen Bond 10/10 3272 days 2%
Steve Warren 10/10 3275 days 2%
Mitchell Henderson 8/10 3334 days 2%
Ian Gilbert 10/10 3397 days 2%
Oliver Pester 10/10 3489 days 1%
Andrew Jones 10/10 3489 days 1%
Mike Merrick 9/10 3496 days 1%
Averil Brown 10/10 3514 days 1%
Nell Hearle 10/10 3524 days 1%
Patrick Schwerhoff 10/10 3541 days 1%
Manolis Pavlakis 10/10 3548 days 1%
sreve 10/10 3579 days 1%
Ron Clarke 10/10 3579 days 1%
Alexandre Moleiro 10/10 3579 days 1%
John Scott 10/10 3589 days 1%
silvia 8/10 3640 days 1%
Kane F 10/10 3670 days 1%
Scott Atkinson 10/10 3732 days 1%
Andrew Kermode 10/10 3732 days 1%
Tom Guthknecht 9/10 3817 days 0%
Matt Weston 10/10 3837 days 0%
tracey aylmer 9/10 3854 days 1%
Saskia 10/10 3880 days 0%
Julian Kemp 9/10 3974 days 0%
Karen Perry 10/10 4035 days 0%
Fernando Martin 9/10 4226 days 0%
Tinne Cis 10/10 4581 days 0%
Chris Marsh 10/10 4610 days 0%


No Adjustment

Several adjustments to the weighted average may be added to improve relevancy and credibility. Lake Pukaki Overnight Campervan Parking does not meet the criteria for any of these adjustments to apply.

Balancing Adjustment

0.61% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled folk are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.