Waikawau Track

Whareorino Forest


Waikawau Track

Time: 7 hours to Leitch's Hut

Turn onto Crawford Road off Manganui Road. Park on the northern side of the Waikawau River on Maxwell's farm (phone the owners for permission first +64 6 752 9891).

Follow the markers along the Waikawau and Mangapapa Rivers. This is a gradual climb with several river crossings. Continue up to the Waikawau Saddle and then descend to Leitch's Clearing. Follow the clearing down to the Awakino River, cross it and walk north along the river for five minutes to Leitch's Hut. In winter and periods of heavy rain the river may be too deep to cross. Check the weather forecast before walking this track.


Feature Value Info


DOC Waikato

Central government organisation


North IslandWaikatoTe Kuiti


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
