Jubilee Park

Overnight Campervan Parking

5 Rankers Reviews

19 Te Puke


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Jubilee Park

Campervans and motorhomes can freedom camp at Te Puke's Jubilee Park for up to 3 nights

Located in the middle of town. Freedom camping is allowed for self-contained and certified campervans, motorhomes and RVs in Te Puke's Jubilee Park. Located a block from SH2, it offers some protection from road noise but is behind the commercial area so may also provide an early morning wake up call.

Let's be honest, there are better places to stay than here.

There is a 3 night maximum stay in any 4 week consecutive period at this site. The 4 consecutive weeks begin from the first overnight stay.

Te Puke means 'the hill', and is pronounced teh pook-eh.


Feature Value Info


Western Bay of Plenty District Council

Council organisation


North IslandBay of PlentyTe Puke


  • Activity__freedom_campingFreedom Camping
  • Activity__dump_stationDump Station
  • Free


To Coordinates




Take a peak



    𐄂 Shady characters around

    𐄂 Noisy at night

    𐄂 Indecent behavior near facilities

    Rating Count Percentage
    10/10 0
    9/10 0
    8/10 1
    7/10 0
    6/10 0
    5/10 1
    4/10 0
    3/10 0
    2/10 0
    1/10 3
  • 0.5/5

    I would strongly recommend not staying here.

    We arrived at about 6pm and there were plenty of spaces left, which in hindsight should have been a warning sign! There were a couple of dodgy behaving guys hanging around where the vans were parked, but were not from any of them, spitting on the ground very regularly and pacing around, watching the vans. They kept leaving the car park and coming back repeatedly over the course of a few hours, and more turned up when it got dark. We turned our lights off, and it seemed as if some of them were 'casing' the place, and walked up to the van, making a quick turn away when they realised people were still awake inside. Needless to say, we did not stay the night and slid into the front seats to make our escape at about half ten!

    Stear well clear of this place!

    Reviewed over 1 year ago

  • 0.5/5

    A family parked up mid-day and pulled their childs pants down and had them pee on the grass across from the bathroom, and then I'm assuming it was the boyfriend did a little indecent exposure move and

    pissed on a tree around the same area, later in the evening you have ALOT of shady people showing up in the parking lot yelling and being noisy/blasting their bass and an agro guy yelling at his dogs. And as I'm writing this a nice honking of the horn to remind everyone it's 11pm This town has zero class.

    Reviewed almost 3 years ago

  • 2.5/5

    Loads of spots available, we arrived at 12 at night and still plenty spaces.

    The local boy racers had just finished their meet up at new world so decided to show us how cool they are by revving and doing their best vin diesel impressions. Did bother us for long to be fair to them. In the morning people come around to try recruit you for kiwi jobs so if you need a job stay here lol

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in October 2019

  • 4.0/5

    This is a convenient location near a New World and a short walk to a library.

    The toilets are cleaned regularly. Plenty of spaces. Not particularly scenic, but still a perfectly fine place to park for a night.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in April 2019

    L2u73n's avatar
  • 0.5/5

    This Freedom Camping Area is located right in the centre of town.

    I simply recommend not to stay here and check out one of the wonderful Freedom Camping options located within 30 minutes drive of here.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in October 2011