Kakepuku Track - Te Kopua

Kakepuku Track

Te Kopua

1 Rankers Review

1 Walking

8 Otorohanga

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Marios Gavalas

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Waikato farmland


Kakepuku Track

7.4 km return | 3 hours return

The summit and slopes were set aside as a Scenic Reserve over a century ago. More recently, the Kakepuku Mountain Conservation Project initiative is aiming to restore some native biodiversity to the mountain. Like the rest of the Waikato, the fertile, well watered soils are a boom for animal products, but at the expense of habitat for native wildlife. Since 1995, predator control, weed removal and plantings of tawa, kohekohe and rewarewa have allowed reintroductions of birds such as robins and captive-bred karearea.

Walking Track


Kakepuku is signposted 3.3 km from the junction with Te Mawhai Road and Kakepuku Road. There’s a large parking area with a toilet, just after the start of the track.


The farm road is mostly grassed but nearer the top can become slippery when wet. A lookout platform and several benches provide views over the misty Waikato paddocks. This bottom section is shared with mountain bikers.

Where the farm track ends the steps begin. A tomokanga and welcome poem grace the entrance to the terraced pa - a sacred site and historic reserve.

The viewing platform will have to be heightened soon as the surrounding forest is competing. Nevertheless there are expansive views all the way to Ruapehu. The other sister volcanoes - Pirongia, Karoi and Maungatautari are all there.


Between 2.7 and 1.6 million years ago a series of volcanic eruptions formed 7 cones in the Waikato region. Pirongia, Karioi, Te Kawa and Tokanui were others. Kakepuku was one such composite cone of basaltic lava, ash, pumice and other volcanic ejecta.

Polynesian History

Ngati Unu and Ngati Kahu claim mana whenua. The pa, Hikurangi, atop the hill, was never captured.

Kaepuku was named by the Tainui tohunga, Rakataura, a flattering allusion to the form of his pregnant wife, Kahurere.

Another story related to Kakepuku wondering in search of his estranged father. At the Waipa plains, he fell in love with Te Kawa, a daughter of Pirongia and Taupiri. Another suitor, Karewa, challenged Kakepuku for Te Kawa’s love, but lost and was banished to the west.

European History

Governor Hobson climbed the mountain in 1842, by which time the pa were abandoned.


Feature Value Info


DOC Waikato

Central government organisation


North IslandWaikatoOtorohanga


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Take a peak



  • 4.0/5

    I love this walk.

    It is used by a lot of locals as exercise. Amazing 360 degree views of Pirongia, Tongariro National Park, Te Aroha and if you are lucky Taranaki and more.

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in November 2016