High Level Pack Track

High Level Pack Track

Waiorongomai Valley


High Level Pack Track

Time: 2 hour 30 min one way

This track climbs steadily up the valley and leads towards the Waiorongomai Saddle. Take the steps behind the concrete ruins and follow the signs for the High Level Track. Continue straight on at the junctions with the Low Level Loop and the Buck Rock Track, reached after about 30 minutes. The path crosses a number of streams before ascending to a bridge across Butlers Incline.

The following junction gives access to a number of other tracks. The High Level Track branches to the left and continues upwards, passing several mine portals and waterfalls. It levels out just before the old mining camp known as Quartzville, then descends to the historic Low Level Track, just above the May Queen Incline. Return the same way or return via the Low Level Track heading south. Overnight walks are accessible by continuing north to the Waiorongomai Saddle.


Feature Value Info


DOC Bay of Plenty

Central government organisation


North IslandBay of PlentyTauranga


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
