Pavilion Peak Track

Pavilion Peak Track

1 Rankers Review

1 Walking

1 Cycling

16 Omarama


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Pavilion Peak Track

Tramping Distance: 32km Time:8–10 hr / 32 km Pavilion Peak, Photo DOC. Pavilion Peak track Mountain bike Grade: 5 expert

This track is a continuation of the Dromedary Hill walking track. The track undulates along the mountain tops within Lindis Conservation Area and then descends to a saddle under Pavilion Peak. It is a steep climb up Pavilion Peak and riders need to be careful on the descent down to Avon Burn. From the river flats it is a pleasant ride out to Birchwood Road car park in the Ahuriri Valley.

About the area

This track traverses through the Lindis Conservation Area and land on the edge of Ahuriri Conservation Park. Some of the public conservation land has recently been formed from high country previously part of Dalrachney and Longslip stations.

There are public access easements crossing through several working high-country stations. Always respect the landowner’s livestock and property; stay on the marked track until you reach the conservation land, leave gates as you find them and use stiles where provided.

Getting there

The Lindis Conservation Area is in North Otago, South Island, accessed via State Highway 8.

The Pavilion Peak Track can be accessed via a formed car park approximately 11 km along Birchwood Road in the Ahuriri Valley.

The Dromedary Hill walking track, which this track connects to, is accessed via the Dalrachney Road bridge car park on SH 8.


Feature Value Info


DOC Nelson/Tasman

Central government organisation


South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzieOmarama


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Activity__cycling_mountain_bikingCycling
  • Free


To Coordinates




Take a peak



  • 4.0/5

    Beautiful mountain but someone was bored enough to build fences right up to the mountain top (1630m).

    All private farmland?

    Reviewed about 15 years ago

    martint's avatar