Tohumoana Lookout Track

Tohumoana Lookout Track

Kaituna Peninsula, Mimiwhangata Coastal Park. Mimiwhangata Coastal Park


Tohumoana Lookout Track

Time: 1 hr 30 min - 2 hr return Distance: 4 km

This track takes you to the high point of Tohumoana from which you can return via the ridge or Waikahoa Beach. Panoramic views from the top make this track worth the effort.

The track is sign posted from the saddle of the road that leads over to Mimiwhangata Beach.

The track down from the lookout to Waikahoa Bay is quite steep and passes through manuka and some large pohutukawa before coming out onto the beach.

Mimiwhangata Coastal Park is 48 km from Whangarei and 52 km from Russell. Take the old Whangarei-Russell coastal road, turn-off at Helena Bay and continue on Webb Road. After Teal Bay the road is unsealed, narrow and winding, and unsuitable for towing caravans. Mimiwhangata Coastal Road is after the Ngahau Bay turn-off.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandWhangarei


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
