Te Haua Uru Track

Tangihua Forest


Te Haua Uru Track

Time: 3 hr 45 min to junction Distance: 4 km

From the Tangihua Lions Lodge you walk past the orientation course and clearings to enter a bush track. The track crosses a stream via a small bridge and meets the Tumanako Track. Signage directs you to follow the stream for approximately 20 minutes before crossing it and heading up towards Kauri Grove, traversing up through mixed podocarp/broadleaf forest.

Within 20 minutes you will reach the large kauri trees at Kauri Grove. From here the Te Haua Uru Track continues to climb steeply up to the junction of the Tangihua Main Ridge Track which leads to the Horokaka Transmitter (an additional 2 - 3 hours tramp) and the Northern Tangihua Track which leads to the Tangihua Hut (an additional 2 - 3 hours tramp). Both tracks are strenuous and require tramping experience due to the roughness of the routes.

Day walkers can easily walk as far as Kauri Grove accessed from the Te Haua Uru Track.

Experienced trampers wanting a challenging day can follow the Te Haua Uru Track-Tangihua Main Ridge Track- Horokaka Track loop, a full 9 hour tramp which includes strenuous climbing in places. Alternatively they can continue on to the Tangihua Hut via the Northern Tangihua Track.

The Te Haua Uru track is located in the Tangihua Forest which is found halfway between Whangarei on Northland’s east coast and Dargaville on the west coast. Your best access into Tangihua Forest is from Omana Road.

The Omana Road Tangihua access car park has parking for 15 cars. You will need to walk 30 minutes along a formed road to the bush line. From here, it is another 15 minutes until you reach Tangihua Lions Lodge, a good orientation point for tracks and walks in the forest.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandWhangarei


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
