Ben Ohau track

Ben Ohau track

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - Mackenzie Basin


Ben Ohau track

Time: 4 to 5 hr return / Distance: 5 km, / 810 m vertical

This track is found off Glen Lyon Road which travels around the eastern edge of Lake Ohau. There is ample room for car parking and a DOC sign indicates the start of the walk. An old track climbs past a remnant beech forest and up the western flank of Ben Ohau Peak to a height of 1370 metres to a saddle where a fence line crosses the track. There are magnificent views to be had from here looking east across the Mackenzie Basin. Keen walkers can scramble a further 152 metres to the summit of Ben Ohau Peak at 1522 metres and appreciate the spectacular 360-degree view.

In winter and in westerly wind conditions walkers should be prepared for very cold temperatures.

Getting there

The Mackenzie Basin is situated in the centre of New Zealand's South Island. It features mountains, lakes, rivers, beech forest remnants and rolling tussock country.

All of the tramping tracks described here involve travel through mountain or silver beech forest.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzieTwizel


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
