Mackenzie Basin routes

Mackenzie Basin routes

Ruataniwha Conservation Park - North Huxley - Brodrick Hut to Brodrick Pass


Mackenzie Basin routes

Brodrick Hut – Brodrick Pass

This poled route is marked on the eastern side of the main divide to Brodrick Pass. An unmarked route accesses the Landsborough via McKenzie Creek. It is also possible to cross from the South Huxley valley into the Ahuriri and South Temple valleys.

Getting there

The Mackenzie Basin is situated in the centre of New Zealand's South Island. It features mountains, lakes, rivers, beech forest remnants and rolling tussock country.

Most of the routes mentioned here are relatively easy to access and take the tramper into some wonderful high country.


Feature Value Info


DOC Canterbury

Central government organisation


South IslandMount Cook - MacKenzieTwizel


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
