Horokaka Track

Tangihua Forest


Horokaka Track

Time: 3 hr 30 min one way

The Horokaka Track is found in the Tangihua Forest which is located halfway between Whangarei on Northland’s east coast and Dargaville on the west coast. Your best access into Tangihua Forest is from Omana Road. The Omana Road Tangihua access car park has parking for 15 cars. You will need to walk 30 minutes along a formed road to the bush line.

The track starts just inside the bush line to the right of the road.

The Horokaka Track leads up onto an old logging road and heads up the ridge to the Horokaka Transmitter. The Whakapono and Tumanako tracks lead off this track if you want a shorter walk.

It is a rough track, which follows the main ridge through thick vegetation. The views from the track are very rewarding on a clear day. Although not a great distance to the Horokaka Transmitter, the track is very undulating and travel is quite slow. Allow 3 hours from the bush edge to the track end at the Transmitter service road. You can go up the road to the Transmitter for the views. Behind the Transmitter shed is the start of the Tangihua Main Ridge Track.


Feature Value Info


DOC Northland

Central government organisation


North IslandNorthlandWhangarei


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free
