Ranking Score Explained

Kia ora, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Hooker Valley Track.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at info@rankers.co.nz. We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Hooker Valley Track

Valid Reviews

314 Valid Reviews

The Hooker Valley Track experience has a total of 314 valid reviews. There are no invalid reviews that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 314 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 127
9/10 104
8/10 61
7/10 18
6/10 4
5/10 0
4/10 0
3/10 0
2/10 0
1/10 0

90.57% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Hooker Valley Track valid reviews is 90.57% and is based on 314 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

289 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 314 valid reviews, the experience has 289 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 289 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 112
9/10 98
8/10 59
7/10 16
6/10 4
5/10 0
4/10 0
3/10 0
2/10 0
1/10 0

90.31% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Hooker Valley Track face-to-face reviews is 90.31% and is based on 289 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Mike Fricker 10/10 168 days 100%
Terrence 10/10 1081 days 37%
Guru 8/10 1568 days 9%
Melanie Bunch 10/10 1781 days 5%
Andrew Hammond 10/10 1842 days 5%
Davina 7/10 2054 days 4%
Cynthia Liew 10/10 2146 days 4%
Ben H 9/10 2391 days 4%
Hannibal Winther 9/10 2516 days 4%
Jayni L'Azou 9/10 2525 days 4%
Roland Eggli 10/10 2733 days 3%
Moe Bouchard 10/10 2748 days 3%
Lois and Gary Hampton 10/10 2759 days 3%
Sevi 8/10 2760 days 3%
Gilbert Keiser 10/10 2761 days 3%
Fritsi and Flo 10/10 2770 days 3%
Katie and Rob 10/10 2771 days 3%
Patrick and Valerie 8/10 2773 days 3%
Car R 9/10 2783 days 3%
Taylor Doolittle 10/10 2792 days 3%
Bruce Steadman 10/10 2792 days 3%
Sarah Doolittle 10/10 2792 days 3%
Barb Steadman 10/10 2792 days 3%
Jasmin Thuess 8/10 2793 days 3%
James Macguire 9/10 2797 days 3%
Orane Lefebuee 10/10 2797 days 3%
Ingrid Maple 8/10 2798 days 3%
Daniel Nanjh 10/10 2802 days 3%
Breanna Alexander 10/10 2804 days 3%
Emma Millett 8/10 2806 days 3%
Ilona Roeters 9/10 2827 days 3%
Loic Besson 10/10 2828 days 3%
Jerome Cluzel 10/10 2828 days 3%
Natasha 8/10 2829 days 3%
Oliver Francis 8/10 2829 days 3%
Adam Pullinger 7/10 2832 days 3%
Vallee Manon 10/10 2834 days 3%
Rebecca Holmes 9/10 2836 days 3%
Ruden Perez 10/10 2837 days 3%
Manu Liberta 10/10 2844 days 3%
Carole Schwab 10/10 2844 days 3%
Moreno 8/10 2845 days 3%
Sigrid Duus 10/10 2846 days 3%
Mads Nielsen 10/10 2846 days 3%
Olde Vogel 8/10 2848 days 3%
Lieke vol Velde 8/10 2848 days 3%
Bob 10/10 2850 days 3%
Yee How 7/10 2852 days 3%
Marc Perales 8/10 2853 days 3%
Mikkel Thomassen 9/10 2857 days 3%
Jannika Cao 9/10 2857 days 3%
Maarten 6/10 2857 days 2%
Jakob Lovdahl 8/10 2861 days 3%
Lina Kiellamn 10/10 2861 days 3%
Sarah 10/10 2871 days 3%
Simon Mueller 10/10 2871 days 3%
Karine Dransart 8/10 2880 days 3%
Thomas Nolwenn 10/10 2881 days 3%
Cat Johnston 10/10 2886 days 3%
James Jackson 10/10 2887 days 3%
Meghan Maloney 9/10 2906 days 3%
Moni Basuki 10/10 2936 days 3%
Matilda 8/10 3088 days 2%
Katharina Schick 8/10 3090 days 2%
Cecile 10/10 3094 days 2%
Patricia 9/10 3097 days 2%
Sam Creecy 9/10 3100 days 2%
Mathilde 10/10 3102 days 2%
Phlippe 9/10 3102 days 2%
Floriane Desnoyer 10/10 3103 days 2%
Arthur Tymins 9/10 3103 days 2%
Sophia and Karen 10/10 3103 days 2%
Helene Christensen 9/10 3104 days 2%
Sofie Madson 9/10 3104 days 2%
Laurine 9/10 3105 days 2%
Sonya Grimm 10/10 3106 days 2%
Milan Maiwald 8/10 3107 days 2%
Jeeyoung Kim 7/10 3107 days 2%
Kim Rasun 9/10 3107 days 2%
Laura Munguira Vadillo 9/10 3107 days 2%
Alvaro Rodriguez 9/10 3107 days 2%
Lisa Fenzl 9/10 3109 days 2%
Cori Schultz 8/10 3111 days 2%
Jill Stebbing 10/10 3111 days 2%
Nico Neubauer 10/10 3111 days 2%
Michael L 10/10 3113 days 2%
Celine 10/10 3113 days 2%
Kathryn Nolan 7/10 3114 days 2%
Jeroen 8/10 3115 days 2%
Lucy Mulvin 10/10 3116 days 2%
Michael Menrath 10/10 3118 days 2%
Alexandre Roche 8/10 3118 days 2%
Diane Toupaine 9/10 3118 days 2%
Anouk Jongsma 9/10 3119 days 2%
Lucy Murray 9/10 3120 days 2%
Elisabet 10/10 3123 days 2%
Lisa 10/10 3123 days 2%
Cecile Seramis 10/10 3127 days 2%
Alex 10/10 3129 days 2%
Kathi 10/10 3129 days 2%
Jacob Winchester 10/10 3129 days 2%
Anna Jungclaus 9/10 3129 days 2%
Sandra 9/10 3131 days 2%
Kim 8/10 3131 days 2%
Selina Frankenberger 10/10 3131 days 2%
Isaliner and Mathieu 6/10 3132 days 2%
Riviere 8/10 3132 days 2%
Tomas Lloyd 10/10 3133 days 2%
Paul and Astrid 10/10 3133 days 2%
Nadav Knoll 8/10 3142 days 2%
Rachel Aspinall 10/10 3143 days 2%
Levin Stuers 9/10 3144 days 2%
Laurent Petit 7/10 3145 days 2%
Cindy Rizzo 10/10 3152 days 2%
Sylvain Blanchet 8/10 3154 days 2%
Peter Hodgson 10/10 3155 days 2%
Leanna Wyer 10/10 3157 days 2%
Eric Hertort 8/10 3158 days 2%
Brendon Rudland 9/10 3160 days 2%
Sven and Annie 10/10 3163 days 2%
Fiona and Matthew 9/10 3168 days 2%
Philip 10/10 3168 days 2%
Hannes Puediger 9/10 3169 days 2%
Bonnie Krautz 10/10 3170 days 2%
Veronika and Radovan 10/10 3171 days 2%
Sabina Carney 10/10 3172 days 2%
Chloe 9/10 3178 days 2%
Matthias Hofer 10/10 3198 days 2%
Ahmed Mohsen Aly 10/10 3241 days 2%
Suzanne Vermeulen 10/10 3242 days 2%
Rachel S 10/10 3455 days 2%
Nurlaily Abu Bakar 10/10 3486 days 2%
Maria Schober 10/10 3503 days 2%
Finn and Melanie Lorbeer 9/10 3508 days 2%
Annika Funk 9/10 3512 days 2%
Thomas Blom 10/10 3514 days 2%
Tobias Becker 8/10 3529 days 2%
Laura and Marie 9/10 3538 days 2%
Corinna Fallenbuchel 10/10 3562 days 1%
Logan Leduc 9/10 3583 days 1%
Caroline Hennache 9/10 3820 days 1%
Calvin Becker 7/10 3820 days 1%
Jacques Revel 10/10 3822 days 1%
Karen Garvin 10/10 3822 days 1%
Claudia Hillebrand 8/10 3825 days 1%
Marek Heiurich 10/10 3830 days 1%
Te-Ana and Mark 10/10 3831 days 1%
Mark 7/10 3834 days 1%
Wouter Vanmoz 8/10 3836 days 1%
Laure Cops 8/10 3836 days 1%
Agathe Dupuis 8/10 3849 days 1%
Linda Wainman 10/10 3849 days 1%
Chris Wainman 10/10 3849 days 1%
jefft 8/10 3852 days 1%
Mara 9/10 3854 days 1%
Andrea Morello 8/10 3854 days 1%
Denise Ewbank 9/10 3867 days 1%
Antton Vappula 7/10 3870 days 1%
Xavier 10/10 3873 days 1%
Bjoern 7/10 3879 days 1%
Lena Jensen 9/10 3887 days 1%
Jesper Andersen 9/10 3887 days 1%
Alacchi Moustier 10/10 3893 days 1%
Julien de la lande 7/10 3893 days 1%
Wouter Bosch 8/10 3893 days 1%
Aude Moulin 8/10 3893 days 1%
Claire Lieval 10/10 3899 days 1%
Andrea Beck 6/10 3911 days 1%
Marc Greeve 10/10 3919 days 1%
Yvonne Horpershoeh 9/10 3919 days 1%
Bjorn Van Mulders 10/10 3921 days 1%
Kim Maertens 9/10 3921 days 1%
Clarissa Hanck 10/10 4192 days 0%
Marco Schmidt 8/10 4196 days 0%
Patrick 9/10 4201 days 0%
Lisa 10/10 4201 days 0%
Brandon Wells 8/10 4204 days 0%
Marcel 7/10 4210 days 0%
Maria 8/10 4210 days 0%
Billy Koichopolos 10/10 4210 days 0%
James Young 10/10 4219 days 0%
Eric 7/10 4222 days 0%
Rogier Ramaker 9/10 4222 days 0%
Kathryn Pisco 8/10 4223 days 0%
Raquel 9/10 4224 days 0%
Fernando Martin 7/10 4224 days 0%
Kristin Denny 9/10 4227 days 0%
Enna Keet 9/10 4229 days 0%
Jeanne Moustier 10/10 4258 days 0%
Mathieu Brias 9/10 4263 days 0%
Loesje 8/10 4276 days 0%
Mark and Eefie 9/10 4292 days 0%
Karin Genyn 10/10 4293 days 0%
Steven Switsers 9/10 4297 days 0%
Natalie Nubler 10/10 4299 days 0%
Annie 8/10 4300 days 0%
Jacquemard 9/10 4312 days 0%
Barbara Berkhout 9/10 4567 days 1%
Margreet Hanemaaijer 8/10 4568 days 1%
Sally Gordie 10/10 4569 days 1%
Def Fem 9/10 4577 days 1%
Alex Ross 10/10 4578 days 1%
M Robinson 10/10 4578 days 1%
Alan Brady 10/10 4579 days 1%
Richard and Janet 9/10 4585 days 1%
Laura Diepeveen 8/10 4587 days 1%
Emma Bagguley 8/10 4589 days 1%
Siegfried Richter 9/10 4592 days 1%
Peter & Kate Carmichael 9/10 4593 days 1%
Ed & Katie Riches 9/10 4594 days 1%
Tom Pratt 7/10 4594 days 1%
Beat Kindler 8/10 4594 days 1%
Seth & Carla 9/10 4596 days 1%
Houter 9/10 4596 days 1%
Butz 10/10 4597 days 1%
Marilyn Mobley 10/10 4597 days 1%
David & Sue Lokkerbol 9/10 4597 days 1%
Helen Chilton 9/10 4599 days 1%
Domroes 9/10 4603 days 1%
Andreas Kristiansen 9/10 4605 days 1%
Chris Marsh 10/10 4608 days 1%
Jessica Lane 10/10 4608 days 1%
Dave McLeish 8/10 4609 days 1%
Thyg Lingdal 10/10 4610 days 1%
Nicole van Bergen 8/10 4610 days 1%
Mike1952 9/10 4611 days 1%
Allison Meyoz 9/10 4893 days 1%
Fontvieille 10/10 4900 days 1%
Stephane Lebel 10/10 4921 days 1%
Gertz 10/10 4921 days 1%
Faith Whitcraft 10/10 4925 days 1%
Julie and Russ Charles 10/10 4930 days 1%
Sophia Kelly 9/10 4932 days 1%
Judith 9/10 4934 days 1%
Richard Dudfield 9/10 4934 days 1%
Thomas 10/10 4935 days 1%
Kauzta 9/10 4936 days 1%
Tricia Goggin 8/10 4940 days 1%
Keely & Mark Haynes 8/10 4941 days 1%
Michael Long 9/10 4941 days 1%
Harry Hammond 10/10 4941 days 1%
Gerstmann 6/10 4942 days 1%
E C Frans 9/10 4946 days 1%
Martin 10/10 4946 days 1%
Jessica Vogels 9/10 4946 days 1%
Betten 9/10 4947 days 1%
Gert Vogelaers 9/10 4951 days 1%
Manfred Liuduer 9/10 4952 days 1%
Jesper Hassel 9/10 4953 days 1%
Rian Bach 9/10 4954 days 1%
Dieter Uhlmann 8/10 4959 days 1%
Laura Hayes 8/10 4963 days 1%
Teum and Orselien 8/10 4964 days 1%
Cheryl 8/10 4966 days 1%
Ruben and Jetske 9/10 4966 days 1%
Dave and Lin Mungham 9/10 4969 days 1%
Tom Hill 9/10 4971 days 1%
Sue Haward 10/10 4971 days 1%
Rissa W 9/10 4976 days 1%
dollimyxture 10/10 5007 days 1%
Mikeminch 9/10 5068 days 1%
Pete & Judy McChesney 10/10 5245 days 1%
BelindaT 10/10 5260 days 1%
Martina Pankova 10/10 5288 days 1%
Agnes 9/10 5292 days 1%
Russ Turner 9/10 5299 days 1%
Ingrid Zell 10/10 5304 days 1%
Jana Steve 10/10 5307 days 1%
Bert Meuleuorijks 9/10 5309 days 1%
johnandgin 8/10 5313 days 1%
Schlaepfer 10/10 5315 days 1%
Horst 9/10 5316 days 1%
Don & Alice 7/10 5317 days 1%
Hans Suess 9/10 5319 days 1%
Yssel de Schepper 8/10 5319 days 1%
Janny Meerdinnk Veldboow 7/10 5319 days 1%
Chris Glasg 8/10 5321 days 1%
Nicola 9/10 5322 days 1%
Bert Tonwen 9/10 5322 days 1%
Max Mareen 10/10 5322 days 1%
Dieter Groscurth 9/10 5323 days 1%
Ronny 9/10 5327 days 1%
Jamie 10/10 5333 days 1%
Christian 7/10 5333 days 1%
Schygulla 9/10 5333 days 1%
Loleit 10/10 5334 days 1%
Harmann Volker 9/10 5335 days 1%
Susan Hitchins 9/10 5337 days 1%
Dick Rosman 9/10 5337 days 1%
Sinjc Grude 10/10 5338 days 1%
Carl Diehl 9/10 5339 days 1%
Kevin and Teresa 8/10 5341 days 1%
Michael and Tanja Kreugel 8/10 5350 days 1%
mariak 9/10 5389 days 1%
Marons 9/10 5392 days 1%
koellner 8/10 5401 days 1%
Melanie Bielefeld 10/10 5405 days 1%
Louis Duhaime 9/10 5414 days 1%
Chris Bulman 10/10 5414 days 1%
Katrin Wennin 10/10 5414 days 1%
Sara Reekmans 10/10 5426 days 1%
harryb 10/10 5512 days 1%
brianp 10/10 5519 days 1%
simonsandra 9/10 5520 days 1%
andriesk 8/10 5529 days 1%
jessica 9/10 5568 days 1%
DustyLaptop 10/10 5586 days 1%
HermannR 10/10 5635 days 1%
DanielGermany 10/10 5639 days 1%
Nathalie 8/10 5644 days 1%
annysp 8/10 5647 days 1%
johnst 9/10 5647 days 1%
Barry Smith 9/10 5667 days 1%
Robert 9/10 5691 days 1%


No Adjustment

Several adjustments to the weighted average may be added to improve relevancy and credibility. Hooker Valley Track does not meet the criteria for any of these adjustments to apply.

Balancing Adjustment

0.64% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled folk are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.