Kia ora, thanks for your interest in how we calculate an experience's ranking score. It's at the core of Rankers so I'm pleased you're curious.

The ranking score percentage is used to compare and sort experiences in ranking tables. It is not necessarily a direct measurement of the quality of a particular experience as rated by its customers. I've found it a useful tool to allow me to find the best experiences with confidence. But I've also found it important to read the customer reviews before making any final judgements!

We calculate an experience's ranking score using a multi-factor data model instead of a raw data average (mean). This model takes into account several important questions. For instance - is there a trusted body of reviews? What is the age of a review and is the review from a credible source?

Below you'll find details around some of the important factors that went into calculating the ranking score for Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa.

If you have any questions or comments about our ranking score calculation please get in touch at We don't believe this is perfect or complete so we're always interested in ways we might make improvements.

Cymen Crick's avatar

Cymen Crick

Rankers Owner

Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa

Valid Reviews

286 Valid Reviews

The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa experience has a total of 287 reviews. There are 286 valid reviews that are included when calculating the ranking score and 1 invalid review that are excluded from the calculation. Reviews can be excluded only when a reviewer is not verified or after an investigation by our team determines the reviewer is not genuine.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 286 valid reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 40
9/10 59
8/10 89
7/10 42
6/10 26
5/10 17
4/10 6
3/10 3
2/10 2
1/10 2

77.52% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa valid reviews is 77.52% and is based on 286 valid reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here as a comparison to the weighted average.

Face-to-Face Reviews

255 Face-to-Face Reviews

The Rankers team meets with travellers while they’re in New Zealand and conducts face-to-face surveys. These reviews, in our opinion, are the most trusted in the industry and represent a critical control sample. To our knowledge, we are the only travel review website in the world that has gone to this extent.

More about face-to-face reviews

Within the 286 valid reviews, the experience has 255 face-to-face reviews collected during interviews by our team.

Below is the distribution of ratings for the 255 face-to-face reviews:

Rating Count Percentage
10/10 32
9/10 53
8/10 84
7/10 40
6/10 22
5/10 14
4/10 5
3/10 2
2/10 2
1/10 1

77.73% Average

The raw data average (mean) for all the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa face-to-face reviews is 77.73% and is based on 255 face-to-face reviews. This value is not used to calculate the ranking score and it only provided here for comparison purposes.

Weighted Average


Rankers calculates a weighted mean as a base average on which we can improve. Individual review's ratings are given a weight based on several factors. The weight of a review determines the overall impact it'll have on the final weighted average.

Recent reviews have more weight as they are more relevant and reflect the experience as it currently operates. Over time reviews become less relevant and loose their impact on the ranking score.

Low rating reviews carry slightly less weight. This dampens the effect of very low ratings for every experience across the board. This is especially important when the experience has few reviews overall and a single negative rating can grossly mischaracterise an experience. Consistent poor reviews will still result in the experience receiving a comparitively low ranking score.

Credible sources provide reviews that can be trusted. If we have verified a reviewer is genuine via a face-to-face meeting then the review carries additional weight.

Reviewer Rating Age Relative Weight
Michael Holm 8/10 2663 days 100%
Wendy 8/10 2946 days 83%
Andi Teuber 4/10 2956 days 55%
Chloe Olsen 8/10 2959 days 83%
Jodi Halligan 7/10 2962 days 78%
Bernd Giermann 9/10 2963 days 83%
Bree Shaw 8/10 2999 days 80%
Romana Novotna 9/10 3002 days 81%
Lukas Trewel 8/10 3027 days 79%
Lena 5/10 3035 days 61%
Laura Leoekloek 9/10 3035 days 79%
Maire O'Grady 8/10 3040 days 78%
Claudia Klinge 9/10 3042 days 79%
Claire 9/10 3049 days 78%
Chris 9/10 3063 days 77%
Gavin Moffatt 8/10 3254 days 65%
Constantin Goldberg 7/10 3260 days 62%
Radim Halasz 10/10 3273 days 66%
Katerina Vobecka 9/10 3273 days 65%
Andre 8/10 3281 days 64%
Marco 8/10 3286 days 64%
Angharad Lloyd 7/10 3290 days 60%
Andrea Tabaka 10/10 3295 days 64%
Martina 7/10 3315 days 59%
Ivan Dupont 10/10 3319 days 63%
Lars Schuett 8/10 3320 days 62%
Lazarela 10/10 3324 days 63%
Sabine 8/10 3352 days 60%
Guilaine Durieux 8/10 3353 days 60%
Madita and Lisann 7/10 3353 days 57%
Brooklyn 7/10 3384 days 55%
Katie 8/10 3612 days 45%
Rachel S 10/10 3612 days 45%
Danica Vrsaljko 9/10 3630 days 44%
Markus Johannes 8/10 3630 days 43%
Leonie Jennings 9/10 3677 days 41%
Brynn Ostvik 7/10 3691 days 38%
Kane F 6/10 3794 days 30%
Stefanie 8/10 3977 days 23%
Jan-Peter Stripp 8/10 3977 days 23%
Stina Hultberg 5/10 4013 days 16%
Linus Larsson 6/10 4015 days 18%
Davina Teo 8/10 4044 days 19%
Nigel 10/10 4044 days 20%
Henry Thiel 4/10 4049 days 13%
Christina Habranke 7/10 4049 days 18%
Claire Lieval 9/10 4056 days 19%
Aurora Garcia 9/10 4058 days 19%
Ruben Garcia Raiuiro 10/10 4058 days 19%
Sarah Strong 8/10 4061 days 18%
Susser 10/10 4061 days 19%
Trish Saunders 8/10 4061 days 18%
Patrick 7/10 4068 days 17%
Emma 8/10 4068 days 18%
Steve Kaminski 10/10 4070 days 18%
Monique Browne 10/10 4070 days 18%
Steve Warren 9/10 4160 days 13%
hendrik king 10/10 4282 days 5%
Stefan 7/10 4359 days 1%
Bettina Fluhrer 8/10 4359 days 1%
Marie 9/10 4359 days 1%
Michael Nolan 10/10 4374 days 0%
Sharyn Crosby 10/10 4374 days 0%
Kevin Tranter 7/10 4381 days 28%
Guillot 6/10 4381 days 26%
Daniel Jezak 9/10 4384 days 30%
Enna Keet 8/10 4386 days 30%
Mathieu Brias 9/10 4420 days 30%
Lis Bon 9/10 4433 days 30%
Ingeborg Ruysscher 10/10 4433 days 30%
Sue Kieseker 9/10 4449 days 30%
Jason 8/10 4451 days 30%
Stefan and Brigit and Janek 10/10 4456 days 30%
Jackie and Brian 8/10 4456 days 30%
gareth williams 5/10 4555 days 23%
sandytemp22 10/10 4708 days 30%
Sander Heike 8/10 4711 days 30%
Vlutters 7/10 4744 days 28%
Brasier 8/10 4745 days 30%
Josef 8/10 4749 days 30%
Bottoms 9/10 4749 days 30%
Cole 9/10 4750 days 30%
John & Ray Calder 6/10 4751 days 26%
D Collier 10/10 4752 days 30%
Gerrit & Martina 9/10 4753 days 30%
Marco Scheiber 6/10 4762 days 26%
Andy & Lynnie Nevin 7/10 4762 days 28%
Kurt & Noemi Buhler 9/10 4763 days 30%
Jessica Lane 8/10 4765 days 30%
Dave McLeish 8/10 4766 days 30%
Johan 9/10 4766 days 30%
Katie K 7/10 4777 days 28%
Sally Rawson 8/10 4779 days 30%
Fred Saunders 10/10 4794 days 30%
JEB 7/10 4799 days 28%
Rene Rypkema 8/10 4813 days 30%
Kai 10/10 4836 days 30%
Steve Eley 9/10 4839 days 30%
Anna Bret 6/10 4839 days 26%
Jaime Castells 6/10 4839 days 26%
John & Vicki 8/10 4846 days 30%
Sue 9/10 4846 days 30%
kirribilliangel 3/10 4952 days 16%
Stephen Hunt 7/10 5070 days 28%
Edward Marhi 9/10 5071 days 30%
Weez18 6/10 5074 days 26%
Brian & Di 9/10 5087 days 30%
Kendall 9/10 5088 days 30%
Ilse & Thys 7/10 5088 days 28%
Gronewold Harm-Dierchs 10/10 5089 days 30%
Richard Gallichan 5/10 5092 days 23%
Pfleidere 8/10 5092 days 30%
Wayne Forrow 8/10 5095 days 30%
Janey Chamberlain 9/10 5096 days 30%
Keely & Mark Haynes 7/10 5098 days 28%
Svea Sauter 9/10 5098 days 30%
Chris & Anne Pearson 7/10 5099 days 28%
Jeff and Carey Brown 10/10 5104 days 30%
Katie Mitchell 10/10 5105 days 30%
Gert Vogelaers 7/10 5108 days 28%
Victoria Purver 9/10 5108 days 30%
Malin Emanuelsson 4/10 5108 days 20%
Steve Pearce 8/10 5109 days 30%
Hadleigh 8/10 5110 days 30%
Mark 9/10 5112 days 30%
Mark Irwin 8/10 5116 days 30%
Andrew van der Peet 7/10 5117 days 28%
Horton Fawkes 10/10 5124 days 30%
Jason Hernandez 9/10 5126 days 30%
D Hoekstra 10/10 5128 days 30%
Ellen Thompson 6/10 5128 days 26%
Bas Geerts 9/10 5133 days 30%
mercadezz 5/10 5164 days 23%
kristy 9/10 5256 days 30%
penz 6/10 5348 days 26%
Gunther 10/10 5383 days 30%
Angela 9/10 5391 days 30%
Stephan Imartina 8/10 5405 days 30%
Jane and Dave 5/10 5406 days 23%
June 8/10 5439 days 30%
Jesper Sch 9/10 5452 days 30%
barry_w_nz 10/10 5471 days 30%
Luisa 10/10 5471 days 30%
Dutertre Annaboue 7/10 5471 days 28%
Stanna 8/10 5471 days 30%
Zara Leyden 10/10 5472 days 30%
Colin Daniels 8/10 5472 days 30%
Ashley Arnold 8/10 5474 days 30%
Gary Haas 9/10 5477 days 30%
R Traber 8/10 5477 days 30%
Faurack 8/10 5477 days 30%
Helen B 7/10 5480 days 28%
Robert Trostle 7/10 5483 days 28%
Brenda Brelinski 8/10 5492 days 30%
Karin 8/10 5494 days 30%
Nadine Schaee 7/10 5495 days 28%
Carl Diehl 3/10 5496 days 16%
Keith Maplestone 7/10 5497 days 28%
Uwe Rieper 9/10 5497 days 30%
Marie Jack 5/10 5497 days 23%
Pete Hallam 10/10 5497 days 30%
nigelwaterhouse 9/10 5498 days 30%
W David R Thomas 9/10 5503 days 30%
Catherine Clavel 10/10 5507 days 30%
John Borneman 10/10 5515 days 30%
Ralf Genthe 8/10 5515 days 30%
Heino keyssler 10/10 5518 days 30%
Florian Knoepfel 8/10 5518 days 30%
Astrio Gregersen 9/10 5527 days 30%
stafanie_norman 9/10 5544 days 30%
warrenp 5/10 5545 days 23%
asselman 6/10 5545 days 26%
carmenk 8/10 5546 days 30%
Marons 8/10 5549 days 30%
Poole 8/10 5562 days 30%
Douglas Beresford 8/10 5562 days 30%
mdarras 8/10 5564 days 30%
Laura McDaniel 8/10 5568 days 30%
Ines O'Sullivan 7/10 5568 days 28%
Deede K 6/10 5568 days 26%
Philip Ryott 9/10 5570 days 30%
Dermot Bryne 5/10 5583 days 23%
Debs NZ 4/10 5590 days 20%
PatH 8/10 5604 days 30%
zoey1 7/10 5669 days 28%
johanw 9/10 5676 days 30%
DustyLaptop 7/10 5743 days 28%
Conrad Duden 1/10 5774 days 12%
HelenPalmer 8/10 5792 days 30%
TraceyM 8/10 5792 days 30%
LizG 9/10 5802 days 30%
scottl 8/10 5804 days 30%
mikestep 8/10 5804 days 30%
stephen 8/10 5805 days 30%
Heide 8/10 5807 days 30%
Juergan 6/10 5808 days 26%
RichardA 7/10 5811 days 28%
CraigB 7/10 5816 days 28%
LauraN 7/10 5821 days 28%
Benzedi 8/10 5822 days 30%
Fred 2/10 5827 days 14%
Mary 8/10 5828 days 30%
RodW 8/10 5838 days 30%
PiaW 6/10 5838 days 26%
JoanneM 9/10 5839 days 30%
SebastianGermany1 8/10 5839 days 30%
Paul 6/10 5840 days 26%
S 6/10 5840 days 26%
Frances 6/10 5840 days 26%
Katrina 6/10 5840 days 26%
Renee 7/10 5844 days 28%
Dyan Aitken 6/10 5844 days 26%
Jan 9/10 5849 days 30%
Carly 5/10 5854 days 23%
Dave 8/10 5854 days 30%
Franz 10/10 5855 days 30%
GingerPrince 8/10 5862 days 30%
Hans 8/10 5868 days 30%
Katarina 8/10 5868 days 30%
Michael 9/10 5873 days 30%
Rob 9/10 5876 days 30%
Vicky 9/10 5876 days 30%
Bernd 6/10 5877 days 26%
Helen 8/10 5880 days 30%
Jason 7/10 5908 days 28%
Groen 8/10 5916 days 30%
Lorna 10/10 5968 days 30%
Emilie 10/10 5978 days 30%
Paul 7/10 5981 days 28%
Donna 7/10 5993 days 28%
Vanessa 7/10 5993 days 28%
Louise 9/10 6010 days 30%
Mark Coffey 8/10 6047 days 30%
Bonny Doon 6/10 6065 days 26%
CollyBob 8/10 6076 days 30%
Ashlee Roberts 10/10 6101 days 30%
Toni Keown 9/10 6159 days 30%
David Wilson-Howarth 8/10 6166 days 30%
Lorraine Wallis 5/10 6170 days 23%
Chrysa Charitou 8/10 6170 days 30%
Teresa Wallis 6/10 6170 days 26%
Tom Ben 8/10 6175 days 30%
Rob Poels 7/10 6181 days 28%
Sabine Volley 10/10 6187 days 30%
Ria 8/10 6191 days 30%
Orla Hansen 9/10 6196 days 30%
Sanne 10/10 6197 days 30%
Volders 5/10 6197 days 23%
David Buckley 9/10 6204 days 30%
April 8/10 6213 days 30%
Stefanie 7/10 6217 days 28%
Bex 5/10 6231 days 23%
Jann Anderssen 10/10 6244 days 30%
Tim 5/10 6244 days 23%
Chris Gedda 9/10 6278 days 30%
caroline 8/10 6289 days 30%
Pete 7/10 6293 days 28%
Killerblow 8/10 6302 days 30%
ranker_43 9/10 6406 days 30%
Jo 10/10 6406 days 30%
Andy Chapman 6/10 6406 days 26%
Lauren 8/10 6511 days 30%
Jackie 6/10 6511 days 26%
Alan 9/10 6515 days 30%
Billie 2/10 6516 days 14%
Nick 4/10 6516 days 20%
Sebastian 7/10 6522 days 28%
Hanneke 8/10 6532 days 30%
Magnus 4/10 6534 days 20%
Erika 5/10 6534 days 23%
Stevenson 8/10 6539 days 30%
Raul 6/10 6539 days 26%
Heather 8/10 6541 days 30%
Pam Rose 9/10 6544 days 30%
Renee 7/10 6544 days 28%
Fenke 8/10 6546 days 30%
Gay Ramsay 8/10 6558 days 30%
Drew Forrest 3/10 6558 days 16%
John Beirne 8/10 6558 days 30%
Jess 8/10 6558 days 30%
Mary 5/10 6569 days 23%
Mitch 1/10 6569 days 12%
Herman&Ineke 9/10 6573 days 30%
Jensen 5/10 6574 days 23%
Colin 6/10 6578 days 26%
Thea 8/10 6582 days 30%


Several adjustments to the weighted average are added to improve relevancy and credibility. These adjustments apply equally to all experiences that meet the criteria.

Sample Size Adjustment

No Adjustment

A reasonable number of reviews are necessary in order for the average to be credible and for an experience to take a prime position within the ranking tables. As such, experiences with only a few reviews have a moderated score. This does not mean that the experience or the reviews can't be trusted. The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa experience has plenty of reviews and does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

Recent Reviews Adjustment

-4.14% Adjustment

There may be an adjustment if this experience hasn't received any reviews within the last 53 days. However the Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa experience does not meet the criteria for any adjustment.

In addition, an experience's ranking score may be adjusted for each day there is no new ranking. After 1 day the adjustment comes into effect. The maximum number of days that can be adjusted for is 200 days. Due to the seasonal nature of many businesses, this adjustment is applied dynamically throughout the year.

The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools & Spa experience has been adjusted for 200 days. Adjustments are according to the following table.

Days Adjustment
197 -4.08%
198 -4.10%
199 -4.12%
200 -4.14%
201 -4.16%
202 -4.19%
203 -4.21%

Balancing Adjustment

4.59% Adjustment

Every experience's review score is adjusted to balance out the disproportional number of negative reviews that are contributed.

You won't be surprised to learn that disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than happy ones. They are motivated to share their experience and warn others. We consider this a good thing and it's why reading the reviews is important. However we've learned it can misrepresent the experience in a more overall sense.

We apply a balancing adjustment to counteract this effect and ensure the ranking score is a more fair representation of the experience. This adjustment is applied equally to all experiences.

Final Ranking Score


The final ranking score once any adjustments, ratings, and rounding has been applied. This value is recalculated each day and a short rolling average is applied. Therefore it may not be precisely accurate based on the other values presented.