(Te Tai o Awatea)

Waka Abel Tasman

Truly Unique


The Cook Strait Ferry

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Waka Abel Tasman

Waka - a truly unique experience
Waka (Māori canoe) are the living expression of our tūpuna (ancestors) who sailed the Pacific Ocean for thousands of years. As the only form of transport across oceans and waterways, waka were vital to our travel and trade.

By paddling in our double-hulled (waka tuarua) or single-hulled outrigger canoes (waka ama), you share in New Zealand's treasured heritage. Waka is an inclusive experience where everyone can feel the joy of working as part of a team.

We begin and end all our trips with a blessing (karakia) for protection. You will learn the etiquette (tikanga) associated with waka before becoming familiar with the boat and embarking on our journey (haerenga ).

Come join us for a truly unique cultural experience that's suitable for all ages.


Feature Value Info


Waka Abel Tasman

Commercial organisation


South IslandNelson RegionAbel Tasman


  • Activity__sea_kayakingSea Kayaking