Falls River Track - Abel Tasman Coast Track

Falls River Track

Abel Tasman Coast Track

1 Rankers Review

1 Walking

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Marios Gavalas

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Falls River Track

7 km return | 3 hours return

This is the most strenuous of detours on the track and is not maintained to the same standard. However, there are many fewer people than the main track and you arrive at an idyllic series of waterfalls.

Walking Track


The closest access point is Torrent Bay, but access for water transport companies can be difficult. Add 15 minutes each-way if walking from Torrent Bay.

If coming from Anchorage, add 1 hour each-way. From Anchorage, head to the northern end of the beach and the large orange triangle. At the top of the small hill, head left. Straight ahead shortly arrives at the Torrent Bay Estuary. The climb up the hill arrives back on the main Coast Track. A few sneaky peeks look out over the estuary and towards Torrent Bay Village, before a gentle descent up the Torrent River. From the bridge you can often spot whitebait. The deep green pool by the small beach is ripe for a swim on a hot day.

A very pretty section alongside the Torrent River then heads away from the estuary and crosses Tregidga Creek on a footbridge. The junction with the Falls River Track is shortly after signposted on the left.


The narrow track climbs steeply up the nose of a spur, with large steps and uneven surface, to a benched track above the steep gully of Tregidga Creek. A short detour leads to the base of Cascade Falls and a fine spray from their plummet of over 40 metres.

The main track continues above the falls, crossing a small stream and low saddle into the Falls River watershed. On arrival at one of the main rivers in the park, the track follows upstream, climbing over some bluffs to views above a series of cascades. The track ends at a couple of memorable swimming holes, with small series of cascades emptying into the deep blue pools. A dense forest of rimu and rata encircles the bowls and plenty of shady spots beside the river are too good to pass up for a picnic or siesta.

Return via the same track to the Abel Tasman Coast Track.


Feature Value Info


DOC Nelson/Tasman

Central government organisation


South IslandNelson RegionAbel Tasman


  • Activity__walking_and_trekkingWalking
  • Free


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  • 4.5/5

    A fantastic half day walk, allow 1.5 to 2 hours up, it’s quite strenuous, but only an hour down.

    It’s well worth it, great swimming in a breathtakingly beautiful spot away from the crowds. Thanks Marios!

    Reviewed over 3 years ago and experienced in January 2021

    David B's avatar